Chapter Twenty Two - A Hacker's Home

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Escaping the Antarctic once everybody else had left was quite possibly the most difficult challenge you had ever faced in your life. When the chaos died down, and you realised you were completely alone there, you suffered a mild panic attack. Trapped at the bottom of the Earth, with no way home, it was enough to scare even the bravest of people.

Shortly after reaching the safety of the Ecopoint base, you collapsed inside a small bunker and slept for twelve hours straight. When you finally woke up, it was night-time, and it had somehow grown even colder than before. You briefly examined the computer systems, but there was no power whatsoever, and all of the batteries had been used up. Additionally, a brief glimpse outside revealed that both the solar panels and the wind turbines had been pummelled into malfunction by constant snowstorms.

You quickly realised that the only person you could rely on to get yourself out of there was yourself, and so the next day you found some climbing equipment in one of the sheds and proceeded to slowly climb up the facility walls. You had spotted some sort of helicopter stood atop a landing pad on the roof of the main building, and with all of your strength, you just managed to climb it. For once, luck was on your side, and after you dug out a mountain of snow from the helicopter's cockpit, you discovered that it ran on electricity and still had enough in its battery to enable flight.

Ensuring that you packed enough supplies for a long trip, you fired the helicopter up and flew straight north, hoping to escape this icy hell as soon as possible. From there, you stowed away in the back of auto trucks, crossing from one border to the next like an immigrant. But despite your circumstances, the Antarctic had not defeated you.

Now, just under a week later, you found yourself strolling down a traditional-looking street in Dorado. Similarly, to New Delhi, this was very much a city of two halves, with the modern superstructures rising up over the old and traditional houses. The moon hung above you, and the streets were nearly empty, but still this place had an almost...magical feel to it.

Everything was so peaceful, and you felt as though you had taken a step backwards in time. And as you strolled through this beautiful Mexican suburbia, you thought back to Olivia's advice. There's an abandoned Los Muertos hideout...I set it up in case I ever needed to...disappear. But the entire point of a hideout was that it was difficult to find, and with no directions other than the fact that it was in Dorado, it could take weeks for you to track it down. That was time you didn't have.

Refusing to let yourself get distracted by the beautiful evening, you took a seat down on a nearby bench and let your thoughts run. You tried to remember if Olivia had ever mentioned anything that might help you now. You had spent the past six months together and fallen head over heels for her, surely there was something she had said that would be an aid now. With a small smile, you thought back to the pleasant memories you had, the two of you just spending time together, not worrying about Talon. Whether it was at the bar, on the gun range, or in her dormitory, as long as she was present, you were happy. And then, as a nighthawk croaked overhead, you had a revelation, sharply remembering a conversation you'd shared just days before Antarctica.

As the sound of the TV faded into the background, you felt your eyelids grow heavy and your muscles grow weak. You'd love to say it had been a long day of working out and improving your aim at the gun range, but it hadn't. No, instead you had spent the entire day in your shared dormitory, taking a well-deserved day off after a tense mission to Brazil yesterday. Even Sombra had taken some time off, not turning on her computer for the entire day as she curled up on the sofa beside you. The two of you had passed the time chatting about numerous topics, most notably who was the better shot. Despite a number of not-so-friendly competitions, there still was not a clear winner as the results were always so close. But now you didn't have the energy to compete with her, that could wait until the morning. Now you just wanted someone to talk to.
"So...Brazil was a mess. Didn't think we'd make it out for a second there" you commented, causing her to nod her head with a quiet hum. She was definitely tired.
"We made it...todavía estamos aquí..." she responded quietly, resting her head on your shoulder with a sigh.
"You were born in Mexico, right? Brazil must be the closest you've been to home in a while. Do you miss it? Mexico...I mean..." you questioned, but for a moment you received only silence in return. You thought she might have fallen asleep, but this theory was quickly disproved when her head stirred.
"Sí...Panadería las bu
ñuelos I've ever tasted.'s been so long" she whispered with a yawn. And a second later, you felt her collapse slightly over your shoulder, asleep. You smiled, wrapping your arm around her and closing your own eyes. Time to sleep...

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