Chapter Thirty Two - Interrogation

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With a silent grimace, you stood solemnly, watching through a window as Lena was operated on by Angela and Zenyatta. Despite its poor reputation these days, Overwatch had the best medical equipment available, and the most-qualified healers to use that equipment. If Lena stood any chance of recovering, it was here. Still, that was little comfort.

You had been standing there, two feet away from Zenyatta when the bullet was fired. If you had been a little quicker, a little earlier...guilt was an awful feeling. You had only known Lena a couple of weeks, but that did nothing to lessen the pain. The facts remained, she was on the verge of death...and there was a chance, however small, you could have prevented that from happening.

"There's nothing you could have done...this is Amélie's doing..." Olivia commented from beside you, but you barely heard her.

You watched Winston walk into the medical lab, staring as he winced at Lena's horrendous injury.

"You're wrong...I could've...Talon will pay for this...I'll kill them all" you replied, clenching your fists until your knuckles turned white in a vain attempt to keep your anger at bay.

It was fruitless.

"To kill them...we need to know where they are. I'm thinking a little interrogation might be in order, arreglar las cosas" Olivia remarked in response, gesturing for you to walk away.

Right now, most of the Overwatch crew were busy attending to Lena, having dumped Amélie in a cell and left her there. You nodded your head in agreement, taking a deep breath and storming your way down the corridor. Olivia followed closely as you barged past Overwatch staff unlucky enough to get in your way.

Down and down you walked, into the underbelly of Watchpoint Gibraltar, deep underground, until at last you reached the facility's prison. Half of the prison cells had been rendered useless by a rock fall the other month, yet another indication that this base was falling apart. But fortunately, that still left over ten usable cells, inside one of which stood Amélie Lacroix.

A pair of Overwatch guards stood outside her cell, holding their pulse rifles uneasily. They clearly feared the infamous Talon assassin, and with good reason.

"Fellas. We need to talk to the prisoner...alone" Olivia stated with a friendly smile, opting to handle the diplomacy.

Probably a wise idea, your current rage would give you little patience for bartering with guards.

"Uh, no offence lady. But you and your friend used to be Talon, we can't let you talk to...her without supervision. Security reasons, I'm afraid" one of the guards responded in a polite manner, clearly noting your anger.

"Relajante, we're on your side now. Besides, there's a camera in there, you'll see and hear everything that's going on anyway. Nothing to worry about..." Olivia reasoned.

You chose to remain silent.

"Yeah, a camera that you can hack. Nothing personal, but we're not letting you in" the other guard stated.

You saw Olivia subtly reach down to her machine pistol holster, and also noticed the guards tightening their grips on their pulse rifles. For a second, you thought a gunfight might erupt right there and then, but a new arrival prevented that.

"I will accompany them...I do not recommend trying to stop me" a voice suddenly stated from behind.

You turned to see Genji standing there, stoic, and unmoving. Of course, it was impossible to know his face behind that mask, but you sensed rage and sorrow similar to your own. Genji had been close to Lena, that much you knew, and you got the impression he had come down here for the exact same reason as you.

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