Chapter Nineteen - A Token of Trust

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Five months had passed since your excursion into Utopaea, and last week you 'celebrated' having been a part of Talon for half a year now. In this time, very little had actually happened, and after the assassination of Sanjay Korpal, things had calmed down a little. You began to sink into your new life, leaving on missions about once a week and spending the rest of your time relaxing with Sombra and other friends you had made like John.

You had made good use of the 'free drinks' clause at the bar with your agent-in-training status, and your increased popularity in the Talon base did not go amiss. Every now and then, Sombra would discover a new snippet of information about Talon's true plans and forward this information to you, allowing the two of you to gradually formulate your plans to stop them, but apart from that things were relatively quiet.

The fact that you knew so little about the length of Talon's machinations almost made you complacent to them, it often felt like you were desperately clawing at a keyhole, trying to get a glimpse of the other side. But after all of this time, you still only knew about as much as you had five months prior. Their actions remained elusive, as did their methods, and you had now come to accept that you would be a member of Talon for a long time before you brought them down.

Today, you found yourself particularly exhausted, having spent your entire time in the gym on treadmills and cross trainers. Rather than letting yourself grow lazy with the lack of missions you were given; you saw your increased free time as a chance to keep yourself fit and take advantage of Talon's well-equipped facilities. But this had formed your entire day, and now that evening had come, you were barely able to move.

With a slow trudge, you arrived at the door to your shared dormitory, using all of your remaining strength to push it open, before nearly collapsing onto the purple sofa. For a moment you just laid there, your face pressing into the fabric as your eyes began to close.

But when you heard approaching footsteps, you forced yourself to sit up, smiling as your favourite hacker entered the room. She returned the smile, and briefly kissed you on the cheek before sitting down beside you. That was how you greeted one another these days, you were a couple in everything except words. You had broached the subject with Sombra a week ago, but she was still unwilling to admit it to the point where you were worried she never would.

"Hola Y/N...tough day?" she questioned, flicking the television on but keeping it at a low volume so she could listen to you.

"Yeah, but I brought it on myself. I think I pulled a muscle...all of them, ugh..." you answered, every bone in your body now aching.

"Heh...yeah I can tell. Poor soldier..." Sombra commented in response, almost mocking you with her overly sweet tone.

"What about you? Didn't see you in the gym...take a day off, did we?" you questioned, causing her to shake her head with a smile.

"Unlike some, I'm not so paranoid about my appearance. I know I'm, I spent my day probing Talon's files. Not as encrypted as you would think, all things considered" she replied with an uninterested yawn.

"See anything interesting?" you asked, leaning your head back on the sofa.

You could feel your eyes slowly starting to close with exhaustion, but you still eagerly awaited Sombra's response.

"Initial teleportation replica test from Moira O'Deorain, catastrophic failure. She was trying to replicate Symmetra's work and ended up causing a power loss across several floors. List of Akande's recent sexual liaisons, honestly not as interesting as you would think. And...minor financial reports from some of Maximilien's businesses..." Sombra reported, clearly not particularly fascinated by anything on that list.

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