Chapter Twenty Three - Off the Radar

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The number of weapons you were currently carrying made it impossible to take a public aeroplane to reach Tortuga. As a result, you were forced to smuggle yourself and your vast armoury onto a large cargo ship, hiding inside one of the containers.

The journey across the Pacific from Mexico took a long time, even longer considering you were cooped up inside a metal crate in the sun. You were forced to survive from the supplies you had found in Dorado, but by the time you docked at Haiti, you only had a single bottle of water and three nutrient bars left. Another day at sea, and you might have been in trouble. As it happened, you snuck off the ship while the cargo containers were offloaded and made your way into the town of Mapou.

The moment you entered the town, you noted the position of a nearby dustbin before hiding your weapons inside. To maintain anonymity, the only gun you kept on you was your M1911, which you kept inside your pocket. The files that you had found on Olivia's computer in Dorado mentioned that one of Baptiste's cousins lived here in Mapou. They had also stated that he usually visits them at this time of year. You were taking a risk by waiting here for his arrival, but if Olivia was right then he could arrive any day now. It was simply a case of waiting and hoping Talon didn't find you before you found Baptiste.

Three days quickly passed, and every second caused your paranoia to grow tenfold. Talon could travel anywhere in the world, were almost certainly tracking you and didn't like leaks. By sneaking aboard ships rather than using public transport and using a number of fake IDs you had found in the Dorado hideout, you had covered your tracks quite well. But Talon was still tracking your live position, so it didn't matter how well you hid yourself, they would find you eventually.

This thought ran through your head as you sat tensely on the balcony of a motel in Mapou. Your feet tapped continuously against the floor, while your hand remained firmly on the grip of your concealed pistol. You kept your eyes and ears open, scouring for any sight of Baptiste...or a Talon assassin squad.

With a bit of research, you had managed to find out that Baptiste's cousin lived right across the street from your balcony, so if he did arrive then you would hopefully know right away. Your thoughts were interrupted when you heard a loud knocking on the door of your room. You turned sharply, drawing your pistol and cautiously approaching the door. Another knock. You cocked the pistol, holding it at your hip.

"Mr Fé...I have your supper! Braised steak and salad! Oh...and your special mezcal!" a female voice called, causing you to sigh in relief.

Eléna. She was one of the waitresses here, and she had been especially friendly with you since you arrived. In a way she reminded you slightly of Olivia, she had the same accent. But that was where the similarities ended. You swiftly hid your pistol and opened the door with a friendly smile.

"Sorry...I was out on the balcony. Smells delicious, thank you" you greeted, taking the plate from her hands and carefully placing it on a nearby table.

"Gracias. I made it myself...medium rare, just the way you like it" Eléna answered with a sweet smile.

You returned the smile, inviting her in with a gesture.

"Come in if you have a moment. We can have a drink" you offered, pouring the mezcal into two glasses.

She nodded her head gladly, closing the door behind her. You passed her a glass and she quickly took a sip, impressed by the taste.

"We've served it for years, but I've never tried mezcal. It's good, tastes nice" she commented, provoking a nod of agreement from you.

"I know, right? A...friend of mine first introduced me to it" you replied, taking a drink yourself and sighing in relaxation.

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