Chapter Twenty Six - Dos To Uno

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Far behind you, you could hear the distant and faded sound of sirens as the police fell further and further behind. You glanced at the speedometer, watching it ascend over 150 kilometres per hour, and you subconsciously found yourself gripping onto the inside of the door. You drove out of Washington DC at speed, very fortunately having little traffic to deal with thanks to the lateness of the hour.

A brief look at the car's inbuilt clock told you that it was nearly midnight, and the sheer darkness of the road certainly supported that. The further you drove from the city, the less streetlights there were, until it reached a point where the only source of light for miles was the glow from the car's headlights.

"I...uh...thanks for the save...appreciate it" you commented quietly with a cough, trying to break the incredibly awkward silence.

But Olivia simply ignored you, keeping her eyes on the road as she continued driving at over twice the speed limit. You turned to face her, disappointed by her lack of response. You had built up this reunion in your head for months, this was not at all how you'd imagined it.

"Olivia...speak to me, please" you added, gently placing your hand on her shoulder.

All of a sudden, the car lurched to a halt as she slammed her foot on the brakes, causing you to stop abruptly in a layby. You felt yourself get pushed onto the dashboard, and slowly pulled yourself up with a wheeze.

"Why?! Why did you go to the authorities? Por qué te entregaste?" she questioned, now staring directly at you.

You looked into her eyes, noticing a strange emotion...almost, disappointment?

"Conscience got the better of me. The things I know...the things we know, they could affect the whole world. I'm sorry...but I couldn't just keep that to myself" you answered honestly, sighing at your own actions.

Olivia shook her head, gritting her teeth like she was furious.

"You were supposed to disappear, like a ghost...guess I should remember you're just a soldier" she remarked, causing you to frown.

"Hey, I have no obligation to the government, you know that! I didn't do it for the military, it had nothing to do with armies! Innocent people will die if Talon isn't dealt with" you countered with a raised voice.

"Innocent people have already died! And more must die too if we want Talon gone! You don't win a war with kindness, Y/N, you should know that, more than anyone!" she shouted in response.

You lowered your head, and noticed her face instantly soften, clearly regretting her own words. Me more than anyone, you thought to yourself, why? Because I killed thousands at the flick of a switch?

"I...didn't mean it like that. Look...coming here has compromised my cover. I can't go back to Talon now...and I didn't have time to get concrete proof of their plans" she added softly, calming down a little after her outburst.

"You didn't have to save was my mistake going to those jackasses in the should've just left me there...gotten your evidence...stopped Talon..." you remarked quietly, annoyed at yourself for ruining Olivia's cover as well as your own.

You were beginning to think you weren't made for this spy business.

"We can still stop them...together. And you're worth saving...burro..." Olivia replied, pulling you closer and planting a kiss on your lips.

You smiled, melting into it, and sighing contentedly.

A few seconds passed, and you separated with a grin on your face. But as she stared at you, her smile dissipated into a look of concern.

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