Chapter Twenty One - Left Behind

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Standing in front of you, wearing a full cowboy outfit, was a man with a revolver. Granted he had swapped out the poncho for a winter coat, but he still had the hat, and had the appearance of a man who knew how to use a gun.

"Now you don't look like the rest of these've got half a brain not to run into the line of fire of my omnic pal back there. What's your name, kid?" the man questioned, his hands leant on his belt buckle as he stepped towards you.

"Y/N L/N, and I assume you're one of the guys behind the raids" you replied, keeping your pulse rifle trained on him.

You didn't want to kill him, chances were that he was an enemy of Talon just like you, but you weren't about to let him shoot you either.

"Jesse McCree. I guess we kinda shook the hornet's nest then..." the cowboy responded, tipping his hat as he introduced himself.

If it weren't for the revolver in his holster, you would consider this guy pretty damn polite.

"You have no idea how much Talon wants you dead. But I can help you, I've got intelligence that can help bring them down. If you tell me who you work for, I'll help bring Talon down" you offered, hoping that McCree would see sense.

The cowboy gave an amused smile, chuckling under his breath with a strong western drawl.

"Ah I'm used to livin' with a price on my head, thanks. And I ain't crazy enough to fall for that old trick. If you don't got any other clever tricks to play, then I suggest you draw" McCree responded, suddenly drawing his revolver with remarkable speed.

You lifted your pulse rifle, but McCree quickly fired a bullet straight through it, rendering it useless. You glanced down in shock, before tossing the rifle forwards, distracting McCree long enough for you to close the distance. He fired another shot which scarcely missed your face, but before he could fire a third you knocked the revolver out of his hand, delivering a sharp blow to his chest. The cowboy wheezed, before punching you straight up the chin with his cybernetic arm, causing you to stagger backwards. He grabbed a flashbang grenade from his belt, pulling the pin and tossing it your way. The grenade ignited with a bright yellow flash, forcing you to cover your eyes with a yelp of pain. By the time you regained your sight, you opened your eyes to find a revolver aimed at your head.

"No-no, wait! I'm not Talon! Just hang on a second, dammit!" you spluttered, lifting your arms in surrender.

McCree gave a frown, but indulged you, choosing not to put a bullet in your head just yet.

"Talk quickly...and pray I like what you're sayin'" he responded, keeping his gun trained on you as you spoke.

"I'm not loyal to Talon...I infiltrated it to destroy it from the inside. But it's way more powerful than you can ever imagine. I know their plan...or at least a part of it...but I need to find allies who can help take them down. If you shoot me, you'll be making a huge mistake" you said quickly, breathing heavily as McCree looked you up and down.

He made a small grunting noise, as if deciding whether or not he believed you, before taking a step back.

"That's funny...apparently someone said the exact same thing to the DJ. Say that I believe you...what happens then? You're not seriously going back to Talon, are ya?" the cowboy questioned, causing you to sigh and nod your head.

"I have to...I have to maintain my cover for as long as possible to get as much information as I can on their plan. Believe me, I hate it...but I don't have a choice" you answered.

McCree gave a sigh, shaking his head with a sympathetic look. The two of you reached a silent understanding, and McCree began to holster his revolver, but then you heard a voice over the comms.

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