Chapter Thirty One - A Turn for the Worst

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It was 10AM at Watchpoint Gibraltar, and you found yourself stood outside the Overwatch shuttle with a backpack slung over your shoulder, waiting patiently. Inside the backpack was your personal pulse rifle, disassembled into several pieces to make it easier to transport. To blend in with the crowds you would face in King's Row, you were dressed in civilian clothing; a leather jacket, and jeans.

Minutes passed, and Lena was the first to join you, blinking up close and greeting you with a friendly smile.

"Ready to save a member of the Shambali?" Lena questioned, her face growing a little dark at the prospect.

You could tell by the look on her face that she wasn't about to watch another assassination, not after Widowmaker had beaten her the first time around with Mondatta.

"Second time for some of us, Zenyatta had better help us after this. He owes us" you replied.

At this point, you weren't above Olivia's tactic of blackmail if it would get you more allies.

"I've met him once before...he's a kind soul. I don't see why he'd refuse to help us" Lena explained.

"Kind don't mean helpful, Lena. I got a strong feelin' he'll announce himself a pacifist or some shit like that" Jesse exclaimed with a western drawl, strolling up towards you.

He gave each of you a nod in greeting as he spoke. The cowboy wasn't joining you for this mission unfortunately, someone had to stay and watch the base. But he still came to see you off, clearly anxious about the first proper mission in weeks.

"We do not necessarily need him to fight, any support at all would be appreciated" Angela commented, casually walking up with her caduceus staff in hand.

A minute passed, and Jack and Winston finally arrived side by side, carrying their own weapons with determined expressions.

"Hm...where is Sombra? Have you seen her this morning, Y/N?" Winston questioned, glancing around in confusion.

You gave a knowing smile.

"Oh, she's already here. Yeah, she got here before me" you explained, turning to an empty space nearby expectantly.

A second later, the air shimmered and Olivia disengaged her stealth system, grinning cockily.

"Been here all along" she added, causing Jack to roll his eyes in annoyance.

Winston shook his head with a breath, leading the way aboard the shuttle.

"Right then, we're all here. No sense in delaying, we'll want to get set up before the speech" he remarked.

The rest of the crew followed him into the passenger bay and sat down, strapping themselves in. You sat beside Olivia, giving her a brief nod. She returned it, and the shuttle took off with a blast of the engines. At long last, you were actively fighting against Talon, it felt good to be doing something right.

The flight to King's Row took three hours, time which was spent mostly in silence. At one point during the journey, Jack walked over to each passenger, making doubly sure that everyone had functional weapons with plenty of ammunition. He reminded you of your old superior, Sergeant Thompson. Thompson had been a laid back in nearly all aspects, but when it came to weapon maintenance, he was something of a purist. It was thanks to him that you knew how to properly disassemble a pulse rifle in under a minute, a skill that had proved useful ever since he had taught it.

When you finally reached London, the shuttle silently landed down in a small, out of the way courtyard with its stealth systems engaged.

"I cannot walk the streets anonymously, so I will remain here until Zenyatta's speech begins in a few hours. The rest of you know your assignments, get into position, and await orders" Winston commanded, waiting inside the passenger bay.

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