Chapter Thirteen - Party in an Oasis

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Suggested Music – Overwatch (Oasis)

Before you knew it, you and Sombra were in the back of a shuttle, accompanied by Chief Scientist Moira O'Deorain, heading towards the heart of Iraq. At this point, you knew very little about the operation other than what Maximilien had told you. So far Moira had also remained silent, seemingly occupied with a holographic pad in her hand. So, this is the one who put the tracker in my hand, have to thank her for that later.

Sombra had also kept her mouth shut, quietly fiddling with her machine pistol out of boredom. In order to break what you had interpreted as tension, you decided to speak.

"So...Chief Scientist O'Deorain, what's our first move when we land down in Oasis?" you asked, both out of curiosity and to end the maddening silence.

"Call me Moira, titles will only reduce our mission efficiency. I have a secret facility on the outskirts of the city which I occasionally use for research deemed too...dangerous for testing at the HQ. We will go there, assemble our plan and ready equipment" Moira replied in a business-like tone, her voice icy and cold.

"Sounds good. I'm all for efficiency" you answered, hoping to get on the scientist's good side.

But Moira simply huffed, ignoring you and returning to her work. The shuttle rocked a little with turbulence, and you examined a holographic map above you. The map showed that you were now flying over Iraq, merely minutes from Oasis, and with the stealth drive engaged, no-one would know you were there.

Oasis was one of the most scientifically advanced cities in the world, having been built on the principle that technology is the only direction towards true redemption. Nearly everything was automated there, including the defence systems, which had played to your advantage. With a hacker's touch courtesy of Sombra, the scanners which would normally detect cloaked vehicles had been modified to ignore your shuttle, allowing you free and easy access to the city.

Standing up straight, you decided to take a look out of the tiny rear window, hoping to catch a glimpse of Oasis, and to your delight you saw more than a glimpse. The city was even more impressive than it had seemed in the photos, with every single building constructed from a gold titanium alloy, shining beautifully in the light of the sunset. In one tourist brochure or another, you had heard it described as 'the jewel of the Arabian Desert', which certainly wasn't an overstatement. And as your shuttle descended down at the outskirts of the city, you couldn't help but give a brief smile. Visiting places like this almost allowed you to forget you were working with a terrorist organisation, almost.

The shuttle hit the floor with a slight bump, and within seconds the rear doors opened outwards onto the dusty ground. You had landed just outside the city limits, seemingly in the middle of nowhere.

Sombra stepped out behind you, staring at the city ahead and giving an impressed nod of her head. Moira came last, having given a brief message to the pilot, ordering him to remain cloaked and await further instructions. You gave the scientist a confused look as the shuttle disappeared again, and you stood in the desert sand.

"I thought we were heading to your facility, there's nothing here" you commented, merely provoking an annoyed look from Moira.

Crouching down, she ran her hands along the sand and suddenly lifted up a hidden trapdoor. With a surprised expression, you glanced downwards, watching as she descended down a staircase into the dark. You shared a look with Sombra, before following her down, closing the trapdoor behind you.

For several minutes, you found yourself fumbling in the dark, moving through a plethora of unlit tunnels. At last, the tight corridors opened out into a small room, with a hologram emitting table in the centre which Moira promptly programmed to show an image of the celebration's venue.

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