Chapter Thirty Seven - Head of the Snake

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Your head felt dizzy as you woke up, so much so that you were certain you had concussion. Your vision remained blurred and your ears were ringing, but slowly your senses began to return to you. You recognised your surroundings; dark walls, metal chains, this was a Talon interrogation chamber.

Beside you sat Jesse, slowly coming to, and coughing a cigar out of his mouth. And on your right sat Olivia, still unconscious but thankfully alive. She obviously hadn't reached Akande before Moira had found her.

"Do you recognise this room, Y/N? It's where you were taken when you were first...recruited into Talon, and doubtless where you and Sombra first began plotting against us. Interesting, isn't it? How these things all come full circle? Here you are, once again our prisoner..." Moira monologued, pacing around the room slowly with a menacing smile.

A pair of Talon guards stood on the inside of the door, and no doubt countless more were outside.

"Full circle...huh? Well a long time ago you implanted a tracker in me. Let me show you full circle and implant a bullet in your head" you spat bitterly, hopelessly rattling against the chains that tied you to the wall.

This movement awoke Olivia, who glanced around in confusion for a moment until she realised her situation.

"Such a soldier...with aggression like that you would have been perfect for Talon. Of course, your defiance would have to be removed, but all that takes is a little...genetic tinkering..." Moira answered, eyeing you up like a test subject.

"And is that what you did to Amelie? Steal her from her life, turn her into a weapon?" you questioned with a hiss.

Since speaking to her, you had grown more and more sympathetic for the French sniper and her tragic life.

"Widowmaker became our best agent...a tool for chaos and a true scientific advancement" Moira retorted, as if trying to justify her heinous acts.

She was almost worse than Talon. She did not just kill people, she destroyed them, turning them into the very things they despised. A mad scientist indeed.

"None of this means a thing, little lady. Your main force is away, we have the base" Jesse suddenly piped up, giving Moira a satisfying dose of condescension.

"Oh please, did you really fall for that? We were well aware that we were under observation. The moment you captured Widowmaker, we accepted that through interrogation and coercion she would likely reveal our location. Our army leaving the facility was a ploy to lure you in, and it clearly worked. Your feeble forces are suffering the same fate as you, those who are alive anyway" she answered, bringing up video footage of the IDC and Volskaya Industries soldiers being held at gunpoint by Talon forces.

You could hardly believe it, even when you had felt sure of victory, Talon were three steps ahead. They knew about the attack, hell they lured you in for it. And now any hope of stopping them seemed lost.

"You haven't killed us yet...what happens to us, perra?" Olivia questioned, aiming an intense glare at Moira.

It was a terrifying expression; one you were only glad wasn't being aimed at you.

"I spoke with Akande at length about the two of you. He wanted you executed, a demonstration to the world of what traitorous actions bring about. I persuaded him otherwise, you will become an example in...other ways. You see, I have a number of interesting experiments which I haven't been able to find any volunteers for so far. Test subjects are so very hard to come by" Moira explained with a satisfied smile.

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