Chapter Thirty - A New Lead

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Two weeks. Two weeks had passed since your little initiation into Overwatch, two weeks of nothing. No trace, not even a whisper from Talon. It was making you uneasy. According to Winston, the illegally appropriated satellite that Overwatch had commandeered had not found anything in South America. It was as if Talon no longer existed.

This complete lack of evidence only served to make you and Olivia look crazier for claiming that they had an army of weaponized omnics. After all, how could Talon hide an army that large? It was a question that was stumping you, and it almost made you wish that you had stayed in Talon for longer, if only to learn more about their plans.

While Overwatch had been doing their thing, Olivia had been doing hers. She had hacked the databases of governments across the world, and scanned all wavelengths for any suspicious transmissions, and even she had found nothing.

Today, like most other days, you awoke before dawn, unable to sleep thanks to consistent nightmares. As always, you found yourself strolling outside, eventually taking a seat on some nearby rocks, watching the sun slowly rise. You took a slow sip from a coffee mug, listening to the waves crash against the cliffs down below. Just like with Talon, you had been refused the location of this base for 'security reasons', although you had heard Jack refer to it as Watchpoint Gibraltar in a hushed conversation with Angela once.

"You're up early luv...not with Sombra?" a voice suddenly called from behind, startling you with a gasp.

Lena. She definitely had a boundary issue, but you didn't really mind since she was one of the few friendly people here.

"Ah no...she's still asleep, didn't want to wake her. You couldn't sleep either?" you asked in return.

Lena blinked up to you, taking a seat beside you and watching the sea roil.

"I never do...I don't think I need as much as other people, not with...this" she remarked, pointing down towards her chronal accelerator.

You could tell that even with the amount of time that had passed since her accident, she still didn't quite feel right. But you were hardly the one to cheer her up about it, you weren't a therapist.

"Satellite find anything yet? I haven't checked yet this morning" you questioned, trying to change the topic.

"Nada, I looked just now. I...I'm not sure we're gonna find anything, luv" Lena replied, causing you to sigh in frustration.

"I don't understand...when we were there, Talon had tens of thousands of soldiers, not to mention the omnics. There's no way they can stay's impossible..." you commented with a shake of your head.

"They're professionals...but we do believe you, we know they exist" Lena stated, placing a hand on your shoulder.

"Hm, you might...and Jesse, Genji, Winston maybe. But I hoped we'd have a few more than four people on our side in this fight" you said.

You still felt like an intruder here, you had offered to help Overwatch in just about every way you could think of, but usually received cold glares. Even Winston politely declined your help, his way of saying he didn't fully trust you.

"Well Genji was awake even earlier than us today. I had a chat with him, he's left for France to check up on a lead on Maximilien. You're not alone in the fight, Y/N, we just need to know where the fight is. Believe me, after what they did to Mondatta, I'm quite happy to face Talon" Lena answered.

"If we're not careful, the fight will be right here. Winston was attacked by Reaper in this very base, do you really think it'll be long before Talon decides to check this place again?" you remarked, causing Lena to nod her head in understanding.

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