Chapter 4: Lusa!

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Lusa's POV:
    "Lusa!" Miki called. I opened my eyes lifted my head to see Miki running toward the tree I was sleeping in. We love to sleep in tears. This is our family tree, as we like to call it. There's big ebiugh of brance for all of us to sleep one, that's why it's the nest choice for us. I looked down at my mate. "What is it, Miki?" I asked. "I can't find Yogi." Miki replied and my eyes widened. I scrambled down the tree and landed next to him. "Where was he last?" I asked as my heart pounded twice as fast as normal. "I don't know. I woke up and he was gone." Miki replied. "And where's Ashia?" I asked. "She's fine, she's waiting by the berry bushes." Miki replied and I nodded. "Good, we will both split up and look around different parts of our territory." I told him and he sighed. "Let's hope he's still in our territory." Miki commented. We both went our separate ways in search of Yogi.
    I ran through the forest, calling out Yogi's name. My heart pounded, hoping to find him soon. What if Miki's fear was true? What if he found himself out of our territory? An old and grumpy bear could hurt him or kill him. Black bears aren't as grumpy as brown bears, but they can still be mean and aggressive. I ran to the edge of the territory and looked around. I heard something, something bad. I heard a cry, growl, and slap. I ran out of my territory and toward the noise. I stopped in a hault and saw Yogi on the floor, crying. "Yogi!" I called as I ran up and sniffed him. He was bleeding on the side of his face. I looked up and saw a mean black bear. I stood up and growled at him. "You hurt my cub!" I called. "Your cub was on my territory!" The bear yelled. "He's just a cub." I told him. The bear swung his paw at me and flung me back. I looked up when I heard a growl and saw Miki lunging at him with his claws outstretched. Miki landed on the bear and they started fighting. I stood up and grabbed Yogi by his scruff. I ran him to our territory and laid him down. "Find Ashia and stay put." I told him and he nodded. I watched him run off and then I ran back to Miki and the other bear. The bear was laying on the floor and unmoving, but his chest breathed in and out, so he was still alive. But both that bear and Miki had a few scratches on them. Miki walked over to me. "Are you okay?" Miki asked and I sighed. "I am." I replied. "And Yogi?" Miki asked. "He'll be fine." I replied. "Good." Miki commented.
      The two of us walked back to my territory and I sighed as I stopped. "Are you okay?" Miki asked. "Yeah, my shoulder is just wounded." I told him. "You need herbs. I know you've been teaching me, but I'm still not so good with them." Miki told me and I nodded. "I know. You get Yogi and Ashia, while I get herbs for me and Yogi." I told him. "Okay." Miki agreed. Miki walked away and I walked in a different direction to find the rights herbs for me and my son.
    I picked out a whole lot of herbs and picked them out in my mouth. I walked to our family tree and saw Miki, Yogi, and Ashia waiting for me. I put the herbs down and started chewing some of them up. I then put it on Yogi's wounds. "How do you feel?" I asked. "Tired." Yogi replied. "Good, because you have to rest anyways." I told him and he sighed. "Fine." Yogi agreed. He laid down and closed his eyes. "How can I help you?" Miki asked. I used my paw to push the right herbs toward him. "Chew these up and put them on my shoulder." I replied and he nodded. "I'm on it." Miki agreed and starte chewing the herbs.
    I opened my eyes and looked around. I was sitting under the tree, because I didn't want to strain my shoulder. I noticed Yogi wasn't next to me anymore. I slowly stood up and noticed my shoulder didn't hurt anymore. I saw Ashia walking up to me. "Dad gave us honey!" Ashia exclaimed and I smiled. "That's great." I commented. "It was yummy." Ashia commented and I laughed. "Where's your father and brother?" I asked. "Over by the lake." Ashia replied. "How are Yogi's wounds?" I asked. "Great. He woke up and immediately jumped around." Ashia replied and I grinned. "That's the Yogi I know." I commented. I looked up and saw Miki and Yogi walked over. "How do you feel?" Miki asked. "A lot better, thanks." I replied. I walked up and nuzzled him. "I love you." Miki told me and I smiled. "I love you too." I agreed.
     I walked up to the lake and dipped my paw in it. I smiled as I slowly got in the cool water. The sun is ready to burn my pelt off. Miki got into the water next to me. "Where are the cubs?" I asked. "Finishing the berries." Miki replied and I nodded. "Those were good." I commented. I remember the days when Toklo would catch something and him and Kallik would eat it while I looked for all kimds of berries. I loved those good old days, but I also love these days with Miki and our cubs. I would never trade the past, but I wouldn't trade my future with Miki, Ashia, and Yogi either. Not even if I can only see my friends every Sun Circle, it beats never seeing them. I don't think I can live without ever seeing my friends. "Are you alright?" Miki asked. I looked over at him and smiled. "I'm better then ever." I replied and he smiled. "Me too." Miki agreed.

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