Chapter 15: Cubs Part 1!

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Chulyin's POV:
     I woke up and stretched. I want to explore a little more. I nudged Suka. His eyes opened and I motioned for him to follow me. We walked out of the den our dad made last night. "What is it, Chulyin?" Suka asked. "I want to explore." I replied. "If we're gone when mom and dad wake up, we'll be in huge trouble." Suka told me. "It's really early in the morning, we'll be back in time." I told him and he sighed. There was a moment of silence and then he smiled. "Let's do it." Suka agreed and I laughed. "There's the brother I know and love." I commented. We started exploring the white bear territory. "This is so much fun!" Suka exclaimed. "You want to take a swim?" I asked. "Definitely." Suka replied. We ran into the water and felt the freezing cold touch of the water hitting their fur. Just what they needed. "The water feels great." I commented. "It usually does for white bears." Suka agreed and I laughed. "Brown bears and black bears think it's too cold." I told him and he nodded. "Probably." Suka agreed. "You want to go into black bear territory?" I asked. "Are you insane?" Suka asked. "No, I just think I'll be fun." I replied. "Mom and dad will be furious with us." Suka told me. "We were there yesterday." I told him. "Yeah, with mom. They will never allow us to go there by ourselves." Suka commented. "Come om, Suka. Just for a few minutes." I suggested and he sighed. "Fine, just a few minutes." Suka agreed.

Oka's POV:
     I woke up and saw my parents were still asleep. I walked out of our den and as the sun beamed on my fur. It was pretty early. What should I do? Maybe I can learn to swim, I'll need for when we travel back to our home. I couldn't swim on our way here, and had to be carried. I don't really have anyone to hang out with. Maybe my dad will take me to see his friends and their cubs again. I didn't really hang out with any of the cubs yesterday, but I couldn't take my eyes off Ujurak. He was standoffish just like me. But he seemed sweet and shy. Maybe I can get up the courage to talk to him the next time I see him. Probably not. I looked around, to see what I should fo while I wait for my parents to wake up. I looked at the white bear territory and saw two white bears sneaking into black bear territory. They look like two of my dads friends cubs. The white bear. I think her name was Kallik. She has four cubs? Which two are they? I think they're the older two. Chulyin and Suka. I looked back at my den, where my parents were still sleeping. I ran until I passed black bear territory. I kept walking, shyly, as I looked around. My curiosity has always gotten the better of me, and that's what's happening now. I continued walking, to find out wnat those white bears are up to.

Ashia's POV:
      I woke up and saw my parents and brother were still asleep. I sighed as I stretched and stood up. My stomach was growling. I'm hungry. Maybe I can find some berries. I quietly walked away from where my family is sleeping. I walked a little way away when I finally found a berry bush and I smiled. It smells so delicious. I grabbed a few and started eating. These are so good. I love berries. I didn't like the prey we had to eat on the travel here. But Yogi did. My mom told me that she was the same way on her traveling days. I love hearing my mom's stories about her and her friends traveling. All the things she encountered. All the things she did. All the times her and her friends almost died. She encountered, flat faces, firebeasts, fireenakes, angry bears, and more. It's so fascinating. I want to see the world one day, just like her. Although, I hope I don't almost die or watch my friends almost die as she had to deal with. My fur stood on end as I felt someone watching me. I froze as my heart pounded. I heard a twig snap and turned around to be face to face with a brown bear. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I won't hurt you." The bear told me. "You're Oka, aren't you?" I asked. "Yeah." Oka replied. "I'm Ashia, we met yesterday." I told her and she nodded. "I know." Oka agreed. "What are you doing here? Is your dad with you?" I asked and she sighed. "No, I shouldn't even be over here." Oka replied. "Then why are you?" I asked. "I saw Chulyin and Suka crossing the territory, and I got curious." Oka replied and I smiled. "Sounds like my brother." I commented. "Awesome." Oka commented. "Wanna see what they're up to?" I asked. "Sure." Oka replied.

Suka's POV:
     Chulyin and I were in the black bear territory. We were looking around, there were black bears in trees, but we managed to hide from them. I looked over and widened my eyes when a black bear and brown bear cub walked over to us. Isn't that Oka and Ashia? "Chulyin." I commented. He looked over as Oka and Ashia finally reached us. "What are you doing hete?" Chulyin and Oka. "I saw you guys coming here, and I got curious." Oka replied and I nodded. "Just like Chulyin." I commented and my brother laughed. "Funny." Chulyin commented. "What are you guys doing here?" Ashia asked. "We're exploring." Chulyin replied. "Even though it's a bad idea." I commented and Chulyin rolled his eyes. "Yeah, well I'm pretty sure I'm going to get into a lot trouble." Oka commented and my brother laughed. "Us too." Chulyin agreed and I sighed. "Chulyin." I commented. "Yes, Suka?" Chulyin asked. "Sometimes, I really hate you." I replied and he laughed. "I know." Chulyin agreed.

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