Chapter 8: Travelling Part 3!

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Lusa's POV:
      I felt someone nudging me and I opened my eyes to see Miki standing over me. "Is it time to go?" I asked. "Yes,  we have to start travelling today to Great Bear Lake, or we'll be late for the Longest Day." Miki replied. I stretched and stood up. "Where are the cubs?" I asked. "They're playing. I'll go get them." Miki replied and I nodded. "And I'll get berries for everyone." I told him. I smiled as I watched Miki walk away. I walked over to the berry bushes and picked out several. I walked back to our den and saw Miki walking back with Yogi and Ashia. "Hurry, guys. We have to be on the road. "Miki told them. We all started scarfing the berries. "Could we play?" Ashia asked. "We have to get going." I replied and they sighed. "Could we play while we walk?" Yogi asked. "As long as you're moving." Miki replied. Yogi and Ashia cheered and started running as Miki and I laughed. "Ready?" I asked. "Yes, let's go." Miki replied.
    We were walking all day and we are all pretty tired. But we're trying to get as far as we can today and tomorrow, since we left late. "Could we rest?" Yogi asked. "We should get a little further." Miki replied. I looked up at the sky as the sun was going down and stars were starting to shine. "We should probably make a den." I suggested. "Are you sure we can afford to stop?" Miki asked. "We live closer to Great Bear Lake then Toklo and especially Kallik. I think we can afford stopping for the night. We only stopped once to eat today." I replied and he nodded. "You're right." Miki agreed. "I'll start making the den." I told him. "And I'll get the berries." Miki told me. "Could I help you, dad?" Yogi asked. "Sure." Miki replied. The two of them walked away and Ashia walked up to me. "Could I help you make the den?" Ashia asked and I smiled. "That's a wonderful idea. This is a useful life skill that can help you when you're older." I replied. Ashia bounced up and down and I laughed as I began making a makeshift den. I told Ashia what to do as she helped me make it.
      I opened my eyes to sun beaming through the den and on my fur. Man, it's hot out today. I walked out and looked back in the den. Miki, Ashia, and Yogi were still sleeping. I walked out to where Miki found the berries last night. I found a nice little berry bush and smiled as I started picking several up. I brought them back to the makeshift den and walked back in. I nudged Miki first and he opened his eyes and looked up at me. "Morning already?" Miki asked and I nodded. "Yeah, and I have berried waiting outside." I replied and he smiled. "Thanks." Miki commented as he stood up and walked past me and outside then den. I roused Yogi and Ashia up and we all walked outside. "This smells delicious!" Yogi exclaimed. "The berries back home are better." Ashia commented as she started eating the berries. Miki and I looked at her and then at each other. I looked back down at my daughter. "Are you feeling homesick?" I asked and she sighed as she looked up and locked eyes with me. "Maybe a little." Ashia replied. "We'll reach Great Bear Lake soon and you'll meet some friends and have lots of fun." I told her and she nodded. "Okay." Ashia agreed.
     We finally left the forest and stopped when we saw a black path. "I hope we're not entering flat face territory." I commented. "I've never really had to deal with flaces." Miki told me. "They're not all bad, but some are. Toklo, Kallik, Ujurak, and I have had a lot of problems with them. Attacking us with their firesticks and nearly killing us. But we also had to rely on them, like when Ujurak had a hook stuck in his mouth and he had to turn into a flat face so that they can heal him." I explained. "At least they helped him." Miki commented. "Only because they thought he was a flat face. The only nice flat faces I met were the ones at the Bear Bowl." I told him. "What's a Bear Bowl?" Yogi asked. "I'll tell you when you're older." I replied. "You and Ashia go first and then Yogi and I will." Miki suggested and I nodded. "I like that plan." I agreed. I picked Ashia up by her scruff and I looked both ways, and there were no firebeasts. I ran across the black path and put Ashia down at the other side. I looked back at my mate and my son. A few firebeasts are roaming by. Finally, it the black path was empty. Miki took Yogi by his scruff and ran as fast as he could to the other side. He put Yogi down and sighed. "Are you okay?" I asked. "Yeah, my hearts pounding faster then normal." Miki replied and I laughed. "You'll get use to it." I told him with a smirk.
     We kept walking and stopped when we saw a flat face den. There were flat faces around as they held firesticks and their firebeasts appeared to be asleep. "How do we get past?" Miki asked. "We can go around or we can wait until they go to sleep and go through." I replied. "Which one is safer?" Miki asked. "They both can be dangerous, but going around is safer." I replied. "Then that's what we'll do." Miki commented. "Good, I don't want to deal with any more flat faces." I agreed. We started walking around. We were hiding in the tree's. We could see the flat faces, but they couldn't see us. The firebeats still seem to be asleep, thank goodness. I've dealt with flat faces, firesticks, and firebeasts more then any bear should in a life time. My heart pounded as I made sure my cubs were as far away from them as I could. I was closest to the flat faces, because I've dealt with them before and my family hasn't. I don't want to be trapped in a cage again or get stuck with a firestick again. Or get it by a firebeast or chased by a flat face. I'm done with that. My heart beating so hard I couldn't hear. Blood oozing from my pelt. Being in so much pain I could hardly breathe. Being trapped in a cage like I'm still in the Bear Bowl, but I'm not, I'm a wild bear now. "We'll get by them soon." Miki told me and I nodded. "I know." I agreed.

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