Chapter 12: Catching Up Part 1!

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Kallik's POV:
      Everyone wanted to rest, we did travel further then a lot of bears here. "I can watch the cubs, you should go find your friends." Yokane told me. "Are you sure?" I asked and he smiled. "Of course." I replied. "They're your friends too." I told him. "And I'll see them later." Yokane told me and I smiled. I walked into the brown bear territory and saw everyone watching me. They still hate other bears, even though we agreed that we need to be civil with each other. But so many bears, especially brown bears, can be really hostile. "Go back to your own territory!" Hattack exclaimed and I rolled my eyes. "I'm just looking for Toklo." I told him. Aiyanna walked over to me with a smile and I smiled back at her. "Toklo and Oka are in the black bear territory, visiting Lusa and her family." Aiyanna told me and I smiled at her. "Thanks, Aiyanna." I commented. I turned around and saw Yokane walking over to me with the cubs. "Chulyin and Suka want to see our friends again, and Ujurak and Nanuk want to meet them." Yokane told me and I grinned. "Do you want to come?" I asked. "I'm going to spend some time with Unalaq, I'll catch up." Yokane replied and I nodded. "Okay." I agreed.

Toklo's POV:
     Lusa and I were talking as we watched our cubs play. Oka still seems a bit distant, and it worries me. But I'm sure she'll grow out of it, I did. "Is Oka always distant?" Lusa asked. I sighed as I put my head down. "Yeah, but I'm hoping she'll get friendlier soon." I replied. I looked at her and she smiled at me. "She will. I watched you go through it, and I know that if anyone can help her through whatever is going on, is you." Lusa replied and I smiled at her. "Hey." Kallik greeted. We both looked up and stood up as we smiled at our friend, Kallik. She had four little cubs with her, but I only remember her having two cubs. "Hi, Chulyin. Suka. Good to see you again." Lysa greeted. "Hi, Lusa. Hi, Toklo." Chulyin and Suka greeted in unison. "Who are the others cubs?" I asked. "Yokane and I had two more since our last encounter. This is Nanuk, the only girl and youngest, and this is Ujurak." I introduced. Lusa and my eyes lite up at the fact that Kallik named her son after our dear friend. I noticed tears form in Lusa's eyes and I held back my own tears. "It's nice to meet you both." Lusa greeted. "Nice to meet you too." Nanuk greeted. "Go play with the other cubs." Kallik told them. "Wanna hang out and talk?" I asked and she grinned. "I would love to." Kallik replied.

Lusa's POV:
      I watched Yogi and Ashia chased each other. Chulyin and Suka chased each other as well. The four bears started joining together and chase one another. I smiled as I watched them. I love watching my cubs and my best friends cubs play together, like they always have and always will. Nanuk was laying down, by herself. Oka was also by herself. So was Ujurak. "Oka's a bit of a loner." Toklo commented. "I can tell." Kallik agreed. "Are Ujurak and Nanuk loners too?" I asked. "Ujurak is, Nanuk is really close to Kissimi." Kallik replied. "Is he the only one she's close to?" I asked. "Yeah, there aren't many cubs in Star Island." Kallik replied. "My cubs are close, they have to be. There aren't any other cubs around." I told them. "Oka is an only child, and she doesn't have anyone to get close to." Toklo told us. "I worry about Ujurak." Kallik commented. "And I worry about Oka." Toklo agreed. "Let me guess. Aiyanna is sure everything will work out because Oka is just like you." Kallik suggested and I laughed. "Yes, actually. How did you know?" Toklo asked. "Because I'm in the same situation. Yokane tells me that Ujurak and Nanuk are a combination of me." Kallik replied and we all laughed.

Yokane's POV:
    Taqqiq, Kallik's brother, walked up to me and I smiled at him. "Where's Kallik?" Taqqiq asked. "Visiting Toklo and Lusa, but she's really excited to see you and your cub." I replied and he smiled. "I'm excited to see her too." Taqqiq agreed. I looked past him and saw his mate, Shila, with three cubs. "You had more cubs?" I asked. "Yeah, two more girls. After Nisa, there's Asuka and Maisha." Taqqiq replied. "They're beautiful." I commented and he smiled. "Thank you." Taqqiq commented. He walked back to his family and I walked over to my brother. "When are you going to start a family?" I asked with a sly smile. "Beats me." Unalaq replied and I frowned. "Are you okay?" I asked. "I didn't want to come here. I came here to finally spend time with my baby brother, but I'm guessing you'll spend time with your mate and cubs and her friends." Unalaq replied. "You never did like Kallik, or our friends." I commented. "Your friends includes a black bear and a brown a bear." Unalaq commented. "Well, yeah. But they're good bears. Kallik is a white bear, but you never liked her." I told him. "Because she has always associated with those kinds of bears, ever since we met her. Don't forget the Kissimi drama." Unalaq told me. I sighed as tears formed my eyes. "Her heart was in the right place." I told him. "I hate her, and that's not going to change." Unalaq told me and I nodded. "Well then, apparently things won't change for us either." I told him and walked away.

Aiyanna's POV:
     I walked in the water and saw fish moving fast. I put ky head underwater and chomped my teeth over one, killing it instantly. I popped my head back up and walked out of the water. I dropped the fish and laid down as I began eating it. I hope Oka is getting to know Toklo's friends cubs. Toklo is right about one thing, Oka needs to stop being so distant. Having some friends might actually help her. Some bears won't like if their child befriends black or white bears, but Toklo and I won't mind because Toklo's friends are black and white. Maybe having them as friends instead of brown bears will help her have morals and kindness as she grows older. Most brown bears aren't even nice to each other, let alone other bears. Which I think is wrong. I'm glad Oka has Toklo to teach her this, whether then someone like Hattack. I finished my fish and looked up to see Hattack walking up to me. "Worried about your mate and cub?" Hattack asked and I sighed. "No, because I trust Toklo and I know Oka is in good hands with her father." I replied. "Believing in him will be your worst mistake yet." Hattack told me and walked away. I sighed and rolled my eyes. No wonder he hasn't found a girl. Two sun circles ago, I came to Great Bear Lake to see Toklo, and he flirted with me because he hated Toklo and knew that we had a connection. But he is such a jerk, and I could never give my heart to someone that terrible. Toklo loves me and I love him, end of story.

Miki's POV:
     I sat down next to Chula. She and I are grest friends, have been since we were cubs. I watched as Ossi, Chula's brother, walked by with his mate, Yakni. I met her last Sun Circle. Two Sun Circle's ago, we both had feelings for Lusa and he was hurt by the fact that she chose me. But he's over it now. He introduced us to Yakni last Sun Circle, and this morning he introduced us to their male cub, Keanu. This morning, the first bear we reunited with was Chula, and then Ossi. Last Sun Circle, we met Chula's mate, Maverick, and she told us she was pregnant. This morning, we met her cubs, Darlene and Farrah. They are both beautiful, young, female bears. Chula also told us that Maverick was killed by a brown bear, named Chogan. Lusa later pulled me to the side and told me that Chogan is Toklo's father who forced him, his brother, and his mother out of their territory. But Toklo ended up chasing the old bear out of his territory, and use it for him and his family's territory. I feel so bad for Chula. She has to raise her cubs on her own, and they will barely remember their father. But Chula is strong, and I know she can do this, and I believe her cubs will be as kind and strong as she is. "My territory is right next to Ossi's." Chula told me and I smiled. "Really?" I asked and she nodded. "Yeah, we will cross each other's territories all the time and our cubs always play together." Chula replied. "That's nice." I commented. "We always talked about doing that when we were younger, but I never thought we would. But I always knew I would have my big brother by my side." Chula told me and I smiled. "He does love you." I told her and she smiled too. Tears formed in her eyes and I looked at her closely. "When Maverick was bleeding out.... Ossi heard the cries for help and ran to my territory. I was barely conscious, because Chogan had hurt me too, but not nearly as badly. The only pain I was in was a headache. But Ossi attacked Chogan as I watched helplessly. Chogan almost killed Ossi too, he's still a bit wounded because of it. I ended up falling asleep in pain, and when I woke up Ossi was barely alive and Maverick was dead." Chula explained. "I am so sorry." I apologized. "I'll be fine." Chula told me and I hugged her.

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