Chapter 34: Tough Battle!

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Kallik's POV:
       Lusa, Toklo, and I ran as fast as we could. We ran through the black bear territory and finally passed it. We saw a lake, and over the lake was a cave. Taqqiq was unconscious, but we didn't see Nanuk. I jumped on the rocks across the lake and ran toward my brother. Toklo and Lusa ran after me. I tried to shake him awake, but it didn't work. "Taqqiq! Taqqiq!" I called in tears. "He's fine. Hurt, but fine." Salik commented as he walked out of the cave. Salik. He did this. He did all of this. I stood up and glared at him. "What did you do to him?" I asked. "We fought and I won. I guess he was too distracted by Nanuk." Salik replied. "Where is my daughter?" I asked as my heart pounded in my chest. "In that cave, as unconscious as Taqqiq." Salik replied. "Is all of this just because you're angry that Taqqiq left your stupid group?" I asked. "That's why I was angry and tried to take his daughter last Sun Circle. But then you stopped me, and I realized it was you I was truly angry at." Salik replied. "Why, Kallik?" Lusa asked. "Because it was Kallik who stopped me when she reunited with Taqqiq, back when we kidnapped that black bear cub. Because it was Kallik who stopped us on the Melting Sea and got Taqqiq to turn on us again. Because it was Kallik who stopped me when I kidnapped Nisa. It was always Kallik. Her hold on Taqqiq. Her grudge against me." Salik replied. "My grudge against you?" I asked. "Yes. You've been out to get me and out to stop me, since the moment we first met." Salik replied. "I had to save my brother and Miki!" I exclaimed. Miki was the black bear he had taken, back when him and Lusa were just friends. Nearly started a war between the white and black bears. That's when Taqqiq realized that Salik was no good, and he helped me and my new friends, whom I just met at that point. "And I will get my revenge!" Salik exclaimed. I walked closer to my enemy . "So will I." I agreed.

Toklo's POV:
      Kallik is usually calm and level headed, except for a few times I can think of. I'm more fierce then kind, Lusa's more kind then fierce. But Kallik holds the rare combination of equal fierceness and equal kindness. Kallik looked back at us and then at Salik again. I've never seen such anger in her eyes. I guess that's what happens when you go after her family. She was pretty angry back when either Lusa or I were endanger. Kallik jumped on Salik, causing Lusa to gasp. That's when his two friends, who has always followed him, emerged from hiding and attack the two of us. Lusa fought Manik as I fought Iqaluk. He jumped on me and I bit his ear. I bit it hard and kept doing so as I heard him scream. I tore off part of his ear and pushed him off of me. Blood dripped down from his torn ear as he laid there, in clear agony. Blood also dropped from my mouth, his white ear by my feet. He looked up, pure anger written all over his face. He stood up and charged. I raised my paw, scratch his face. I moved out of the way and he fell past me. There were three scratch marks on the side of his face. I looked over to check on Lusa, who was still fighting Manik. I couldn't tell who was winning. Lusa or Manik? They both looked like they got in good hits toward one another. Then I look over at Kallik. Salik was obviously winning. He was on top of her. She had scratch marks on a few different parts of her fur. He had one scratch mark on his neck, but she was definitely losing this battle. She's better then this. But she's too emotional to see clearly. She's letting her anger to get the best of her, and she was always the one who told me that you can never win a battle if your mind is full of anger and revenge. Maybe that's why she always called me 'hot headed.' I felt something grab my leg and looked over to see Iqaluk. Then he pulled me into the lake.

Lusa's POV:
       Manik jumped on me and I kicked him off. He bit my leg as I screamed in pain. I felt blood oozing out my leg as I checked on it. I sighed and shook my head. I've had worst injuries.... Which is actually a really sad realization.... But I can't dwell on that fact right now. I faced him again, my sharp teeth showing. He was doing the same. I ran toward him and he hit my face with his paw. I scratched his belly, and it was deep. Deeper then I meant to. Deeper then I had realized. He fell to the ground. Blood oozing out. My heart pounded. My eyes watered. I've fought bears, but I've never killed one. He's not dead. His eyes may be closed, but his chest was still moving up and down. I don't want to kill him, even if he did attack me. Even in self defense. Toklo would, and probably Kallik as well. But not me. It's not who I am. I'm not like them, and that's okay. Who they are is amazing, but so is who I am. The three of us, four back when Ujurak was alive, always fought for our differences. Outside and inside differences. I need to help my best friends, but I know better then anyone that they can take care of themselves. Manik, on the other paw, cannot. Not right at this moment, at least. I have faith in Toklo and Kallik. This bear does not deserve my compassion, but I guess that's what makes me, me. I watched as blood oozed out and his breathing slowed. I grabbed some herbs, thanks to Ujurak, and ran over to Manik, and I started healing him.

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