Chapter 5: Ujurak's Warning!

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Kallik's POV:
     I looked at the beautiful view that Star Island gives you. Ujurak walked up to me and I smiled. Yokane and I named Ujurak after our dear friend who lost his life to save me and my friends. I miss him terribly, but I can visit his grave everyday, unlike Lusa and Toklo. He died right here, on Star Island. He was killed by an avalanche, and all three of us would have died as well if it wasn't for Ujurak. He has saved us so many times when he was alive, and after he died too. He would come to us in dreams to give us messages or warnings, or he would come in the form of other animals to show us what to do and help us if needed. He's always there for us, before and after he died. I looked down at my son. "Is dad back yet?" Ujurak asked. I turned around to face him. My others cubs weren't far behind. "Not yet, but he should be here soon." I replied  and he nodded. I watched as he walked back to play with his siblings. Yokane and I sometimes take turns hunting so one of us can watch the cubs, but sometimes we ask Illa or Unalaq, who is Yokane's brother, to watch them so that we can hunt together and get some alone time. But I was right, because I smiled as Yokane walked over with a plump seal in his mouth. He put it down and I walked up to him. "Good catch." I commented. "Thanks, dig in." Yokane told all of us. We all began eating the delicious seal.
      I woke up and I looked around, confused. I wasn't in Star Island, I was at Great Bear Lake. This could only mean one thing. I looked around, trying to see if I can find a certain shape shifting brown bear. "Ujurak!" I called. "I'm here, Kallik." Ujurak told me. I turned around and smiled at him. "Ujurak, I have missed you so much." I told him and he smiled. "I have missed you too, Kallik." Ujurak agreed. "I named my son after you." I told him and he laughed. "I know, I have watched over all of your cubs, Toklo's cubs, and Lusa's cubs. It is an honor that you named one of your sons after me." Ujurak told me. "I would love to just talk and catch up with you, but I'm guessing this isn't a social call." I told him and he shook his head. "I'm aftaid not." Ujurak agreed. I sat down and he sat down across from me. "What is it?" I asked and he sighed. "You will be leaving to Great Bear Lake for The Longest Day, I'm sure." Ujurak replied and I nodded. "Yes, along with Yokane and my cubs." I agreed. "There is an enemy, one you have defeated more then once in the past. You, Toklo, and Lusa. But.... he hates you the most." Ujurak explained. "Why? Who is he?" Ujurak asked. "You'll find out who soon, and you'll immediately know why once you see him." Ujurak replied and I sighed. I want to know, but I trust Ujurak. "What does this have to do with The Longest Day?" I asked. "He will go after you at that time. Most of your enemies are either dead or civial toward you. But this one bear, still holds grudges, and isn't as civial as you might think. This will be the final battle." Ujurak replied. "Final battle?" I asked. "You shall find out, when it is time." Ujurak replied as he stood up. I stood up too. I watched him walk away with tears in my eyes.

Toklo's POV:
      Aiyanna and Oka are swimming in the river. I'm out hunting. I found some paw prints and started smelling something. A hare. It was a hare. I continued smelling as I followed the scented path. I kept walking until I saw the hare. It had its back against me, so it didn't even know I was there. I crept up to it very quietly, and I then jumped at it. It tried to run away, but I grabbed it in my mouth and chomped on it, killing it. I walked back to my family as the hare's lifeless body laid in my mouth. Aiyanna saw me coming and pushed Oka out of the water as she got out too. I dropped the hare and they smiled. "Eat up." I told them. "Thanks, Toklo." Aiyanna commented. We all finished eating it as night befan to fall. "Could we go on another swim?" Oka asked and Aiyanna laughed. "Maybe tomorrow, it's time to go to sleep." Aiyanna replied. I starred at Oka. She looks a lot like her mother, but she has my eyes. Oka sighed as she put her head down. "Okay." Oka agreed. Aiyanna and I laughed as we watched her walk into the den. I looked at Aiyanna with a smile. She is so beautiful and I am so lucky she's mine. "Ready for a good nights sleep?" Aiyanna asked. "You bet." I replied. We walked into the den, side by side and laid down.
    I woke up and noticed Aiyanna and Oka weren't there. I got out and noticed that it was still nightfall. I noticed a hare standing a few feet ahead of me, justlooking. There was something familisr about it. He looked up at me with his big, brown eyes and I gasped. Ujurak? He started hopping away and I ran after it. He led me deep within my territory. But then I lost him. "Ujurak? Where are you?" I asked. "Right here, Toklo." Ujurak replied. I turned around and saw him standing there, but in his normal, brown bear form. "It's been a long time." I told him and he nodded. "I know." Ujurak agreed. "I missed you." I told him. "Me too." Ujurak agreed. "What brings you here?" I asked. "I wish it was social, but this is important." Ujurak replied. "I'm listening." I told him. "I have already spoken to Kallik, and Lusa is next." Ujurak told me. "You spoke to Kallik? How is she?" I asked. "She is doing great." Ujurak replied and I smiled. "Good. Now tell me what is so important." I told him and he nodded. "The final battle is approaching." Ujurak told me. "Final battle?" I asked. "The Longest Day. There is one last enemy who is not happy with you three. He will try to kill you all, but the one he is truly after is Kallik." Ujurak replied. "Why?" I asked. "You will soon find out." Ujurak replied. I watched him as he walked away.

Lusa's POV:
      I walked back to the berry bushes. There are many different kinds, all good for you. I can tell between the good and bad berries, and I haven't found any bad berries in my territory yet. I haven't had the chances to show Ashia and Yogi the differences yet, so they know to come to me or Miki if they find berries they have never seen before. But all the berries in this area, they are familiar with. I picked several of them out and carried them back to my family. I separated them in four piles, a portion for all of us. "Thanks, mom." Yogi commented and I smiled. "You're welcome, Yogi." I commented. We all began eating are berries and finished them pretty fast. "We should clean up in the lake." Miki suggested and I nodded. "Good idea." I agreed. Miki walked off and I hurried the cubs along before following. Miki walked into the lake and helped Ashia in as I helped Yogi in. Then I got in myself. Miki splashed me and I laughed as I splashed him back. We watched as Yogi and Ashia played and splashed one another a few bear lengths away. I looked at Miki with love in my eyes. "What?" Miki asked and I laughed. "Nothing, Miki. Nothing at all." I replied. He smiled and nuzzled me. "I love you." Miki told me. "I love you too." I agreed.
     I heard someone calling my name. I opened my eyes and looked up to see that it was still nightfall. I looked down and saw a familiar brown bear and I gasped. Ujurak? Is that really him? "Lusa!" Ujurak called in a whisper. "I hear you!" I called back in a whisper. "Follow me." Ujurak told me. I jumped down and ran after him. He finally stopped by the river and turned toward me as I smiled. "I'm so happy to see you!" I exclaimed. "I'm happy to see you too, Lusa." Ujurak agreed. "As much as I am happy to see you, I have to ask. Why?" I asked and Ujurak laughed. "There is grave danger I must warn you about. An old enemy is after you. He will stop at nothing to kill you, Toklo, and then finally Kallik." Ujurak replied. "Why is Kallik last?" I asked. "Because she's the one he wants the most." Ujurak replied. "Is she alright? Is Toklo alright?" I asked and he nodded. "They are." Ujurak replied. "What does this mean?" I asked. "It means your peaceful lives are over, for a time. You have to stop him. He is your last enemy, and he will stop at nothing to kill all three of you." Ujurak replied. "What do we do?" I asked. "You'll figure it out. You always do." Ujurak replied. I watched him walk away and I sighed.

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