Chapter 19: Cubs Part 5!

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Ujurak's POV:
     I starred at Oka. Suka walked away from her as Nanuk walked away feom me. Nanuk and Suka walked over to the others as Ashia and Yogi began teaching them how to climb. Nanuk's right, I should talk to Oka, but I'm really shy and nervous. I stood up and slowly made my way over to her. "Hi." I greeted. She smiled up at me and stood up. "Hey." Oka greeted. "It's a beautiful morning." I commented and she nodded. "Very beautiful in deed." Oka agreed. "You don't want to learn how to climb a tree?" I asked. "No, not really." Oka replied. "Neither do I." I agreed. "Are you going to travel when you get older?" Oka asked and I nodded. "I want to, I don't know if I will." I replied and she laughed. "I feel the same way." Oka agreed and I smiled. "Maybe we can travel together. Maybe it won't seem as scary." I suggested. "I love that idea." Oka agreed. There was a lot of loud laughter coming from the other cubs. "Wanna go somewhere quiet?" I asked. "Yes, definitely." Oka replied. We both smiled and walked off.

Oka's POV:
     Ujurak is really sweet, and we have a lot in common. We were taking a walk, away from the other cubs. They were all having a great time. Cheering and laughing. We wanted to go have a nice, quiet walk, by ourselves. "Being under so many trees aren't too bad." Ujurak commented and I laughed. "I don't like it. I rather be in an open space." I told him. "And I rather have snow under my paws, but the trees give a nice cool shade that the open field doesn't. It's no where near as cold as snow or ice, but it's better then nothing." Ujurak explained and she nodded. "That makes since." I agreed. "I miss the snow. You should feel it, it's so soft and cold." Ujurak told me. I can tell he really does love and miss the snow. He's smiling and seems so passionate about it. I love how his eyes gleam when he gets passionate about something. "Maybe I'll get to see and feel it on our future adventure." I suggested and he nodded. "Maybe." Ujurak agreed. We both smiled as we kept walking.

Yogi's POV:
    Ashia and I were trying to teach them how to climb. But it turns out, black bears just have a natural instinct to climb trees. It's easy to climb without thinking about it, rather then thinking hard and trying to teach brown and white bears. Well, we're only teaching white bears. Chulyin, Suka, Nanuk, and Kissimi to be exact. I looked around and noticed that Oka and Ujurak weren't around. "Where's Oka and Ujurak?" I asked. They all looked around and noticed they were gone. "They're probably not far. Just wanted alone time." Suka replied and Nanuk nodded. "Why?" Ashia asked. Nanuk and Suka both laughed. "It's obvious." Nanuk replied and Suka nodded. I sighed as I shook my head. "Let's just get back to climbing." I suggested and Ashia smiled. "Good idea." Ashia agreed. Ashia dug her claws in the bark and slowly began climbing. "Teaching is so much harder then just climbing out of instinct." Ashia commented. She's right, I guess she feels it too. "I have an idea." I told them. "I'm all ears." Ashia commented. "You need to not think about it, just like black bears do. Just climb. Dig your ckaws in the back and just race up, like if you were racing on the ground. It's simar, except with bark and you're going upward." I explained and Ashia nodded as she jumped down. "That's a great idea, best way to teach them. Like that says dad loves, walk a mile in our paws." Ashia agreed and I smiled.

Chulyin's POV:
      I think Yogi's plan will work. "Who wants to try first?" Ashia asked. Ashia and I locked eyes and smiled. "I do." I replied. I walked up the bark as everyone stepped back. I leaped and dug my claws into the bark. I kept walking up. I'm doing it. I'm really doing it. I looked down and sighed. This is high up. My heart pounded. I can do this, I've never been this high up, but I believe I can do this. I've done scarier things then this before. Haven't I? My dad always said I was brave, and if I believe that then I can do this. I know I can. I looked back up and went up a little higher. I reached a forepaw toward a branch and dug my claw into the bark. I reached my other forepaw and dug my claw into the bar, but I missed a step and fell to the ground. I groaned as I stood up and Ashia walked over to me. "Are you okay?" Ashia asked and I nodded. "I'll be fine." I replied and she smiled. "That was a great first try, Chulyin." Ashia told me and I smiled. "Thanks." I commented.

Kissimi's POV:
      Chulyin walked behind us and laid down. Ashia walked with him and laid down as well as they talked. I nudged Nanuk and walked several pawsteps away. "What's up, Kissimi?" Nanuk asked and I smiled at her. "I don't want to climb trees, I want to swim." I replied. "Swimming is the best." Nanuk commented. "But?" I asked. "But I don't think there's any water in this territory and we csn swim whenever we want, we don't get to hang out with our new friends often." Nanuk replied and I nodded. "I get that." I agreed. We both smiled and walked back to the others. Yogi and Suka were both climbing the same tree. Suka was watching Yogi and doing the same thing as him, so he knows what to do and climbing the tree will be easier. "Suka seems to be doing good." Nanuk commented and I nodded. I looked at her and noticed her looking at her other brother. "Go to him." I told her and she nodded. She walked over to her and Ashia walked over to me. "Are you alright?" Nanuk asked and he smiled at her. "I'm fine, little sis." Chulyin replied and Nanuk laughed. I looked over at Ashia. "You and Chulyin are getting close." I commented and she nodded. "Yeah, he's nice and tough." Ashia agreed and I laughed.

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