Chapter 31: Missing!

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Lusa's POV:
     I woke up and saw Miki next to me, wake. "Hi." I greeted. "Hey sleepyhead." Miki greeted. I laughed as I sat up. "Where are the kids?" I asked as I stretched. "They were gone when I woke up. I figured they were out playing, I was just about to go and find them." Miki replied and I nodded as I stood. "I'll go get some food." I told him and he nodded. "Okay." Miki agreed. He walked out of the den and I followed him. We went in two separate directions. I walked over to the berry bushes and smiled at Chula. "Hey." I greeted. "Hi." Chula greeted. "How are your cubs?" I asked. "Climbing tree's." Chula replied and I smiled. "Which one's faster?" I asked. "Farrah, but Darlene is a faster runner." Chula replied and I smiled. "Yogi's amazing at climbing and Ashia's amazing at running." I told her. "Do they like to race?" Chula asked. "Yes, I'm guessing your cubs do as well." I replied and she nodded. "Yeah." Chula agreed. "Cubs can be so cute." I commented and she grinned. "And annoying." Chula agreed and I laughed. I picked several berries off the bush when Miki ran over to me. "I can't find them." Miki told me. "What?" I asked. "The cubs. I can't find them anywhere." Miki replied and I gasped.

Ujurak's POV:
     I was on my way to my territory with Kissimi, Chuilyn, and Suka. Kissimi stopped and turned around. "What is it?" I asked and he sighed. "Nanuk should be back by now." Kissimi replied. "Nanuk is strong and smart. She knows what's doing." I replied and he nodded. "You're probably right." Kissimi agreed. We finally reached the territory when my Uncle Taqqiq walked up to us. "Kissimi, you should probably find Illa." Taqqiq told him. Kissimi slowly nodded and walked away. I gulped as I locked eyes with my mom's brother. "Your parents have been worried about you cubs." Taqqiq told us. "We're sorry." Suka apologized. Taqqiq looked at us each individually. "Where's your sister?" Taqqiq asked. Chuilyn, Suka, and I looked around. "She said she'll catch up." Chuilyn replied. "But she should have been here by now." I added. "Go to your parents, I'll find Nanuk." Taqqiq told us. "I want to help." Chuilyn told him and he shook his head. "Not a chance." Taqqiq told him and walked away.

Suka's POV:
      My Uncle went to go find my sister. My brother's and I walked over to our parents, whom ran to us. "Where the hell have you been?" Mom asked. "We were hanging out with your best friends cubs. We all like hanging out, we're new friends." Chuilyn replied. "That's fine, but you can hang out when we hang out." Mom told us. "We wanted to hang out without our parents hovering over us." Chuilyn told them and mom sighed. "Then at least ask, don't go off and have us worried." Dad told us. "We're sorry." I apologized. "You're not leaving our sight for the rest of the trip." Dad told us and we sighed. "Okay." Ujurak agreed. "Where's Nanuk?" Dad asked. "Long story. Taqqiq is looking for her now." I replied. I noticed mom looked worried. "Oh no." Mom commented. "What is it?" Dad asked as he walked closer to her. "The dream that my friends and I keep having, of Ujurak." Mom replied. Chuilyn and Suka looked at me. "Me?" Ujurak asked and mom shook her head. "No, our friend that we named you after." Mom replied and Ujurak nodded. "What about it?" Dad asked. "Ujurak said that he wanted revenge on Toklo, Lusa, and I. But this bear hates me the most." Mom replied. "Do you think he or she would after Nanuk or Taqqiq?" Dad asked and mom groaned. "I don't know, Ujurak didn't elaborate." Mom replied and dad sighed.

Toklo's POV:
     Oka is in a lot of trouble for scaring Aiyanna and myself. Lusa walked over, all bears starring at the tiny black bear. She's a lot bigger then she once was, but still a lot tinier then Kallik and I. Bears still don't like other types of bears, which doesn't make since after what happened two Sun Circles ago. Lusa, Kallik and I talked to everyone about how we all are better off joined together, rather then forced apart by stupid reasons. We all ended up having to work together to save every bear at Great Bear Lake. Nanulak had started a forest fire. He was angry at us, mostly me. Because he was a mix of a brown and white bear, but hated his white heritage. He looked up to me, but hated Kallik and Lusa for not being brown bears. He tried to get me to choose him over my friends, but I couldn't. I wouldn't. Plus, I found he had lied to me about his family. He said they disowned him because he was a mix, but turns out that they loved him and Nanulak was the one who disowned them. "Hey, Lusa." I greeted. "Is Oka in trouble?" Lusa asked. "Lots." I replied and she nodded. "Same with my Cubs." Lusa agreed. I looked up and saw Kallik running toward us. She looked concerned and frantic. "What's wrong, Kallik?" I asked. "The danger that Ujurak was talking about. It's here." Kallik replied. Lusa gasped as my eyes widened.

Kallik's POV:
      Toklo and Lusa starred at one another, and then to me. "How do you know that?" Toklo asked. I paused, thinking about the many dreams Ujurak used as a way to talk to me. "He said I'll know." I replied. "Who said that?" Toklo asked. I looked up and met his eyes. "Ujurak. He said when it was time I'll know, and I know." I replied and he nodded. Lusa was uncharacteristically quiet. Probably terrified and angry that the three of us are endanger, again. "We need to figure out our first move." Toklo commentyed. "I know what it is." I told them. "Which is?" Toklo asked. "Finding my daughter and brother." I replied. "What do you mean?" Lusa asked. "The boys came back without Nanuk. Taqqiq went searching for her, unknowingly that this was happening." I replied. "Your daughter and brother will be fine, Kallik." Lusa told me. I sighed as held back my tears. "I hope so" I agreed.

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