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Day 2,193: Portals

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Day 2,193: Portals

               Subject: Carter May
               Number: 17
               Age: Nine
               Sex: F
               Test: 27

CARTER WAS ONCE again being brought into the blinding white room. As usual, two guards held either of her arms, lifting her so that her toes grazed the ground, but only after she stopped thrashing and screaming, and let her body go limp.The young girl now had puffy red eyes, as well as the remnants of tears on her freckled cheeks.

Her arms began to ache due to the two men gripping them tightly. She kept her mouth shut, knowing all too well that they would ignore her if she made a sound. She had, after all, been doing this for about six years. She was only three when she was taken away. But back then, at least they told her everything was alright. Even though it was false hope, it was still hope. Now all they did was tell her to quit her whining and get on with it.

They reached the stark white door unreasonably quickly. The guards let go of her arms abruptly, resulting in the small girl crumbling to the ground. She quickly got to her feet, wanting to avoid any unnecessary hits or kicks from the guards. She turned the handle before walking through the door.

Just like always, Dr. Smith was sitting in the bright red chair beside the long grey table that was reserved for Carter. He was scribbling furiously on a clipboard, eyebrows scrunched in concentration. His greying hair was tousled like always, and he was dawning his familiar white lab coat. The whole room was white. It had a blinding effect on the eyes. All that was containing colour were the test tubes and needles. They contained serums and were lined up on a tray on a countertop.

Dr. Smith looked up when he heard Carter walked in.

A cold smile pulled at his lips, showing his dull teeth. "Ah, Carter. How are you doing today?"

The tiny girl said nothing. She kept her head down as she walked slowly towards the table.

"Not in the mood for a conversation, I see. Well, let's get to it then. Sorry to say that we have seven injections for you today."

Carter's head snapped up, her pleading eyes meeting his cold ones.

"Please, no." She said in a small voice.

"Sorry, what was that?"

She opened her mouth, but no words came out. Seven. She had to get seven injections.

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