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WHEN THEY REACHED the white door that blended in with the wall so well it was almost invisible, Carter was able to remove the big white lock with a portal

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WHEN THEY REACHED the white door that blended in with the wall so well it was almost invisible, Carter was able to remove the big white lock with a portal. Bucky saw her hesitate and extended his own arm to push it open, though carefully.

Through the frame was a corridor, barely lit, only by one flickering light that hung among many other broken ones. Before either of them could say anything, Carter took a step forward, focusing only on the door at the far end up the corridor, the edge of which was illuminated by the light coming from the other side.

Before she knew it, she was standing in front of it, hand on the handle. She stared at it for a moment as 'I'm back in the lab, I'm back in the lab, I'm back in the lab' repeated over and over again in her mind like a broken record.

She kept her eyes fixed on the door as she asked Bucky, "So are we going with a plan or just winging it?"

She felt him shift beside her as he answered, "You know the layout better than me. I'll just follow your lead."

She nodded at his words and twisted the handle. On the other side of the door was one of the hauntingly familiar wide corridors. There were doors dotted all along the walls, the number of the room on a clear plaque beside them.

Everything was still the same awful white that she remembered. The white that made your vision go weird if you looked at it for too long. The floor was shiny, reflecting the ceiling lights that made it even more white if that was possible.

She made her way over to one of the doors, checking the plaque beside it. Room 7. Not one she had ever been in, but at least she knew now where she was. She turned left and began walking, looking at the numbers of the rooms as she passed.

"Why isn't there anyone here?" asked Bucky.

"If they have a kid at the moment, they'll be in one of the rooms. And don't worry, if someone comes well be able to hear them. The guards have loud footsteps and no one gets to go anyone without a guard," she added bitterly.

She stopped when she reached Room 3. A frown tugged at her lips as she looked at the white door that she knew was grey on the other side. Room 3 was the padded room; the one where she had done her tests for powers. As she looked at the door, she could clearly visualise the two-way mirror on the other side of it. She could almost feel the padding of the room beneath her feet.

"Is something wrong?" Bucky asked as he stopped beside her. "Do we need to go in there?"

"N-no, I just remember being in there," she said quietly. She snapped herself out of the memories with a shake of her head. "Sorry. We should keep going."

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