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DURING THE NEXT FEW weeks, Carter learned how to master the portals

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DURING THE NEXT FEW weeks, Carter learned how to master the portals.

She could now easily summon them, and nothing got lost anymore, much to Dr. Smith's delight. They were now beginning to test and see if humans could go through the portals.

This stressed Carter. She didn't want anyone to die or get lost wherever anything went, when going between portals.

A young man with neatly combed caramel hair, wearing a lab coat stepped into the room, along with Dr. Smith.

"Carter, we will now be testing to see if humans can go through the portals."

Carter nodded her head slowly. "Where to?" She asked, rather hesitantly.

"We're going to start small. Only to right outside the door."

She swallowed before she thrust out her arms, just like she had been doing for the past several weeks. The tingly feeling came quicker than before, the portal appearing instantly afterwards. She didn't even need to concentrate as much as she previously had to. She was getting used to this.

The young man went to walk through the large portal, but his feet were blocked by the edges. He looked to Dr. Smith for confirmation on what to do. But the doctor was too busy looking at the portal with a confused expression on his face to answer.

Carter's arms fell to her sides, the portal immediately disappearing once she did so. "I have an idea."

She instructed the young man to stand a couple feet away from her. He obliged, now standing parallel to her. Her hands went out into the direction of his feet. A portal appeared right under him, causing him to practically fall through the floor.

Dr. Smith quickly turned his head so it stuck outside the door. The portal had appeared parallel to a spot on the floor, spewing up the man. He fell towards the ground quickly, causing him land with a loud thud.

When Dr. Smith turned to her, she immediately stepped back, in fear she'd get in trouble for making the man fall. What she didn't expect was for him to dawn a smile and say, "well done, Carter."

For the first time that she could remember, Carter broke out into a smile. A genuine smile. It felt weird on her face, but she kept it there. She was never praised that she could remember. Being told that she was doing well made her happy. She wanted to do well. She wanted to please everyone.


A few weeks later, she still spent almost all of her day in the padded room.

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