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FOR THE NEXT FEW weeks, Carter lived in the Avengers facility

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FOR THE NEXT FEW weeks, Carter lived in the Avengers facility. Pepper had offered her the chance to stay at the Stark house and Carter had said that she would like to, just not yet. She was definitely not feeling good, but with all of those around her checking up on her and letting her talk about what was going on, it was definitely helping.

Morgan had been allowed to come and visit her after Carter had assured Pepper that it was okay. The two girls would sit at a desk, colouring pictures. Morgan never asked Carter what had happened to her arm that was in a cast and Carter had the sneaking suspicion that Pepper had told her not to, but she was grateful nevertheless.

Morgan would ask Carter how to 'beat up bad guys' and she would tell her a much cooler version of the fights that she had been in. With time, she soon even managed to tell her about Tony helping her in some of the fights and Morgan loved listening to it. They would often eat juice pops and Morgan had finally convinced her to watch some Disney movies that she had never had the chance to watch with Tony, but she refrained from watching Tangled.

One day, after going to the kitchen for breakfast, she saw a newspaper on the counter. She usually stopped herself from looking at newspapers since the last few she had seen had all had Tony on the cover. But this time, it wasn't Tony's face that was printed on the page; it was her own. The headline read:

Local Hero Void: Where is She Now?

Our very own local hero called Void has been MIA for five years. It is understandable of course, since she had been dusted in the Blip, just like countless others, but what is she doing now that she has returned?

For all you readers who don't know, our newest hero Void is the youngest superhero known to us. No one knows her real age, but sources say that she is around ten years old. At only nine years old, she was taken in by none other than Tony Stark—

Carter threw the paper back down on the counter at the mention of Tony's name. She hadn't cried since the week it happened, but every time she saw or heard hid name, she felt an ache in her heart.


Her cast had come off after about four weeks and she was not sad about that. Although, she hadn't used a portal since then. She felt like she was constantly under surveillance by someone, be it Pepper, Happy or someone she didn't know the name of. She was beginning to grow a little impatient when she tried to go for a walk around the facility and a man in a suit and sunglasses that she had seen around was following her. She just sighed and continued walking, ignoring him.

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