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IT WAS FINALLY THE day of the dance and all the students were buzzing with excitement

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IT WAS FINALLY THE day of the dance and all the students were buzzing with excitement. It was the last class of the day and several pairs of eyes would glance at the agonisingly slowly ticking clock every few seconds, much to the annoyance of their teacher.

The bell finally sounded and a loud sound of chair legs scraping the floor erupted, along with many loud cheers.

When Carter arrived back at the facility, Pepper immediately brought her to her room where her dress (that Pepper and Carter had gone shopping for) was laid out. Even though it was an hour before the dance, Pepper insisted that she get ready early.

When she got dressed, she went to the kitchen so she could have something to eat before leaving.

As she bit into a piece of toast, she heard footsteps coming into the kitchen. Turning around, she noted that it was Tony.

"Wow," he said, "you finally look like Cinderella after the fairy godmother."

"Tony!" Scolded Pepper.

"It's fine, Pep, she insults me all the time--"

"Why do all the names you call me sound like diseases? First it was Pinocchio, now it's Cinderella..." Carter inquired.

"We really need to get you caught up on your Disney movies, huh?"

"I've already seen Hercules," she retorted. "And a few others, but Hercules is the best, so is there even any point in watching the others?"

Tony audibly gasped and brought a hand to his chest, in what Carted was assuming to be real indignation.

"How dare you? You haven't even seen Aladdin yet--"

"Wow, look at that. Another weird name."

Before Tony could send back another reply from his already open mouth, Pepper intervened.

"Alright, that's enough, we don't need one of you to end up destroying the whole facility when this goes too far," she said.

The pair's bickering stopped as Carter went back to eating her toast. But Tony wasn't able to refrain himself from asking, "so, who exactly are you going to this dance with?"

Carter rolled her eyes at him, swallowing a piece of toast. "One of my friends. You've already asked me that three times today."

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