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CARTER WALKED through the forest outside the Avengers Facility

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CARTER WALKED through the forest outside the Avengers Facility. She was wandering seemingly aimlessly, but there seemed to be something pulling her in a certain direction, almost as if she was something magnetic being drawn to a large magnet.

She almost felt as if she was floating rather than walking, but she knew her two legs were carrying her towards something.

When she looked around her, nothing was in sight except for trees in every direction. She had come so far from the facility that she could no longer see it.

It wasn't much longer until she reached a clearing. The thick canopy of trees split, forming a large circle clear of trees before joining once again on the far side.

She walked into the centre of the clearing and stopped. Whatever it was she was looking for was here. She could feel it.

She stayed quiet, feeling like it wasn't a good idea--even though if someone was there, they would have already seen her as she was standing in the middle of the large clearing--to be noisy.

She heard someone clear their throat from behind her and she whipped around.

A few feet away stood a person. A person that Carter knew all too well. His grey hair was tousled like usual and he was dawning the familiar white lab coat. Two pens were visible in the lab coat pocket; a detail Carter didn't realise that she remembered.

She stared at him for a moment, unblinking as he stared back, the smallest of smiles on his face. Although, it was in no way a happy smile, it was more accurate to say he had an expression of malice on his face.

"Hello there, Carter," said Dr. Smith.

Carter naturally took a step backwards.

"Now now, Carter, what's the rush?"

She felt as if her lungs had collapsed. She couldn't breathe properly and had to take large gulps of air. She did it as subtly as she could for she didn't want Dr. Smith to see what he was doing to her, but she wasn't very successful.

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