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THE NEXT DAY, Carter took it upon herself to go and find Vision

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THE NEXT DAY, Carter took it upon herself to go and find Vision. Excluding the day before, it had been a while since she had seen him and she wanted to see a familiar face that wasn't Tony.

She searched the facility for what felt like ages, but to no avail. It wasn't until she came across a door--that seemed to be new, but she realised was actually just painted a different colour--that she found him.

Not having known that it was his bedroom, she pushed the door open and walked in. He was sitting on the edge of his bed, propped up on his elbows and reading a newspaper.

Upon entering and realising that she could be interrupting him, Carter said, "Oh, sorry... I didn't know this was your room."

Vision looked up from the newspaper and answered, "That's alright. How is your back doing?"

"Oh, it's a lot better, thank you."

"Is there anything I can help you with?" He inquired. He didn't seem to be bothered by the fact that Carter was there, just curious as to why she was.

"Oh, uh, I just wanted to say hi because it's been a while since I've last seen you--well, not including yesterday."

"Yes, it is quite strange that we haven't seen one another. I actually returned here about a week ago."

"Oh..." she trailed off. There was something she wanted to ask him, but she was too shy to do it.

"Is something wrong?" He asked, noticing her slightly nervous and hesitant expression.

"No, it's just--uh, would you--can we cook together?" She swallowed her nerves and forced the question out.

A smile appeared on Vision's face. "Of course."

Carter's lips stretched into a wide grin as she exclaimed, "Yay!"

The pair walked to the kitchen, where Carter had watched--and occasionally helped--him cook before the whole superhero vs superhero battle occurred at the airport.

Carter wished that Wanda was there, too. She didn't have many conversations with the older girl, but she was still nice when her she did talk to her.

She wished Steve was there, too. Steve was probably the person who had been the nicest to her. She wondered not for the first time whether she would see him soon, never mind ever again. She told herself that she would see him again. Even if the Avengers were fighting, she assured herself that they would eventually have to see each other again, even if it was when she was a lot older.

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