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WHEN CARTER FINALLY arrived at the large building with the large 'A' she felt like she was about to pass out

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WHEN CARTER FINALLY arrived at the large building with the large 'A' she felt like she was about to pass out.

She had made too many portals and she was almost completely drained of her energy. She had gone as fast as she could whilst holding the small device--that provided directions--in her hand.

After zapping into several different rooms, she finally came to the one that contained Happy. He was standing in the middle of the empty room, his hands spread as he looked quite pleased with himself.

As soon as she fell through the portal, she shouted, "Happy! Happy!" as she ran towards him.

He jumped in fright before turning around. "Carter, wh--"

"There's no time to explain! Peter--he's in trouble. Ned told me! We need to help him because--actually, I don't really know why, but still!"

Happy blinked. "Who's Ned?"

"Happy! This is serious! They said something about a vulture hijacking a plane!"

"Wait, wait, wait--The Vulture is going to hijack the plane?"

"Yes! Where's Tony? I need to tell--"

"The Vulture is going to hijack the plane?"

"Yes, I just told you that! And Peter has gone after him, so we need to do something!"

When she heard a sound in the distance, she turned to look out of the window, and she could see what looked awfully like a plane falling towards the ground. Without another word, she zapped outside of the facility and once again made many different portals to get to the fallen plane.

However, this time it was a lot more difficult and she was a lot less speedy. Her energy was decreasing and a few times she stumbled after each portal, but she kept going. The distance between each portal was getting much smaller, which caused her to nearly get hit by some cars, but she still zapped through the city.


She never managed to reach the scene. Her portals would now only transport her a foot and even then it caused her great strain.

She managed to stop on a sidewalk, but after someone shouted, "It's Void!" She had to climb up a nearby fire escape, even though it caused her shoulder pain from where she was stabbed and she was mentally and physically exhausted. She was most certainly not in the mood for photos or interviews.

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