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ONCE THEY WERE flying over land again, Carter was fine

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ONCE THEY WERE flying over land again, Carter was fine. The rest of the journey went quick as she just spoke to Peter. They mainly discussed their powers, Peter even telling her how he got his powers, but she was a little more discreet about her own origin story. They also moved on to discussing superhero names. She of course knew that his was Spider-Man, but he was perplexed to find out that she didn't have one.

"But I'm not an Avenger...," she told him.

"I'm not either, but if you have powers, you- you have to have a superhero name!"


"Yeah! We should come up with one for you!" He suggested as he took out his phone to film the moment.

"Have you got any ideas?" Asked Carter.

Peter thought for a minute before suggesting "How about Lacuna?"

"Lacuna?" She made a face.

"Yeah, it would go well with the whole portal thi-- never mind." he stopped once he saw the girl's expression.

He thought for another moment before suggesting "Zip Zap?"

Once again, seeing the girl's reaction, he immediately dropped the idea.

More names were suggested, each earning a shake of Carter's head until one name was mentioned that she actually liked.


Seeing that she hadn't immediately dismissed the idea, he went on to explain. "A void is, like, an empty space, so it kinda, uh, fits in well with the- with the portals."

"Void," she tested. "I like it."

Peter smiled at her. "Nice to meet you, Void." He held out his hand. Carter shook it, speaking "Nice to meet you, too, Spider-Man."


Once landing in Germany, they had to travel through the city of Berlin to get to their hotel. Carter hadn't been to many different places before, the main two being the Avengers facility and the lab, so it came as a bit of a shock to her. Most of the buildings they passed looked rather old and there were people everywhere. The sky was a dull grey, a warning that rain might be coming soon.

Peter was still recording on his phone. He would occasionally have random people come over, give a quick wave to the screen and go off again. The whole thing perplexed Carter. She wondered what the purpose was.

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