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AFTER CONTEMPLATING it for several days, Carter was finally working up the courage to have the talk about the lab with Tony

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AFTER CONTEMPLATING it for several days, Carter was finally working up the courage to have the talk about the lab with Tony.

She had tried the first night, but he had been in a bad mood. At least, that was what she was telling herself. May aswell wait for a more convenient time, right?

Attempt number two resulted in her asking about how people are made, instead of opening up about the lab. She had told Tony she wanted to ask him a question and after being too afraid to ask her real question, that was the first thing that came to mind.

Attempt three until attempt number twenty-three had all been fails, but Carter was determined to make attempt twenty-four succeed.

Instead of going to school that morning, she had asked Tony if she could stay home, since there was something she wanted to talk to him about. He let her.

She asked if they could do it outside of the facility, maybe in the forest outside. She also told him that bringing Pepper along might be a good idea. Her thought was that some fresh air might be nice, aswell as having someone who was better at sympathizing.

They ended up going to a park. A large lake could be seen from the walking path and trees dotted the edge of it. They swayed calmly in the breeze; almost like they were dancing along to the singing of the birds. Collections of trees also stood in clusters throughout the grassy areas.

They were following Carter, who was bringing them away from the hustle and bustle of people walking along the lake's edge. She would rather be in a more secluded place as she didn't feel like getting interrupted by someone who could recognise Tony.

When she finally reached a place she was happy with, she sat herself down on the grass, with Tony and Pepper repeating her action not long after.

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