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WHEN SHE CAME TO, she was still lying on the floor

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WHEN SHE CAME TO, she was still lying on the floor.

"--hates you the most."

After hearing someone talk, Carter opened her eyes. Tony, Bruce and Steve all sat around her.

"Well, would you look at that, the kid's awake," Muttered Tony.

Carter slowly began to sit up, but Tony pushed her back down. "Woah, slow down, you could have a concussion."

Carter brought her hand to her throat. It was aching. She couldn't remember what happened before she passed out, just that she was flustered.

"What happened?" She croaked.

"Well for starters, you made us all go temporarily deaf," Replied Tony.

Steve gave Tony a look before turning to the young girl. "We don't know exactly what happened. You sort of just curled up in a ball and screamed. Then you passed out."

Now that he mentioned it, Carter did vaguely remember screaming. She noticed people rushing around the building, talking in frantic voices.

"What's happening now?"

"You should rest your voice," piped up Bruce, "you've probably done some damage to your vocal cords."

She looked at Tony with pleading eyes, wanting to know what was happening.

He sighed, running his hands over his face. Before answering her, he looked to Steve and Bruce. "You guys finish getting ready, I'll stay with her."

Steve and Bruce left, leaving Carter and Tony alone. "Alright, I'll tell you what we're doing, but you're going to listen to me when I tell you what to do. And I don't want any protesting on your behalf, alright?"

Carter hesitated before nodding slowly.

"We're going to fight the bad guys."

Carter immediately perked up. I'm going to fight--

"But you," he pointed at her, "are staying here and resting."

Carter opened her mouth to argue, but Tony interrupted her.

"Hey, no protesting, remember?"

She knew that Tony wasn't going to give in. But she wasn't going to just sit there while everyone else had all of the fun. So, she pouted and gave a sad little nod.

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