100k special part 1!

8.1K 151 106

(Disclaimer: hey! after much consideration, i've decided to republish this segment. i just think it's really cute lmao, it's from about a year ago, so sorry for the random update for this story that's now completed but anywho. who knows? maybe i'll unpublish this again if i feel like it's too distracting from the story, but for now- enjoy!)

Hey! So, to celebrate 100k I wanted to do a character Q&A. I've seen some other people do it (my main inspiration is from stilestastic) and it seems really fun! Basically what happens is you guys ask the characters questions and then there will be another chapter with their answers!! (You can ask anything you want!!)

Questions for Carter go here:

Questions for Aiden go here:

Questions for Elias go here:

Questions for Tony go here:

Questions for Dr. Smith go here:

Questions for anyone I missed that you wanna ask go here:

Thank you in advance for the questions! I'll give it a day or two before I post the answers so everyone can have a chance to ask something! (I really hope people comment or this will be really awkward for me lmao.)

Anyways, thank you so much for 100k reads!! That's a riDicUlouS amount and I'm very grateful <3

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