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THEY ALL WALKED in a line. Once again, the strange green stuff was underneath Carter's feet. There was a wide stretch of it, just like in the place with the trees.

The man who was previously green, wasn't anymore. He now looked like a regular human, walking behind Carter. She could tell he was confused about her, but he didn't say anything and neither did Carter.

They made their way up the steps of a building.

The tall blond man, Thor, asked "what is this place?"

"A safe house" replied iron man.

They walked through the door, one after the other.

"Honey?" Called out the man who had been flying the ship. "I'm home."

A woman walked out into their sights. Her hair was long and brown, and her stomach was rather large.

"I... have company. Sorry I didn't call ahead-"

He was cut off when the woman pressed her mouth to his and then wrapped her arms around him.

At first, Carter thought that maybe she was trying to eat him or strangle him, but then she saw his reaction and decided that maybe it was a sign of affection.

He turned back around to face the group. "Gentlemen, and uh, lady," he nodded towards Carter,"this is Laura."

Laura's eyes landed on Carter. She glanced quickly at the man beside her, before turning her attention back towards Carter.

"This is, uh-" began the man, but Steve finished his sentence.

"Carter. She doesn't have anywhere else to stay. I hope it isn't too much to have an extra person?"

Laura's eyes slightly widened. "No! Of course not," her eyes flickered back to Carter. "Of course you're welcome to stay, sweetie."


All of a sudden, two kids came running into the room. One of them, the girl, jumped into the man's arms, and the boy wrapped his arms around him.

"These are... smaller agents," said iron man, confused.

Carter looked at the faces of everyone else, seeing that everyone looked confused.

"Did you bring auntie Nat?" Asked the girl.

Nat turned around, running over to give the girl a hug.

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