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"CARTER, DOES THIS man look familiar to you?"

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"CARTER, DOES THIS man look familiar to you?"

Carter was eating breakfast on a Saturday morning when Tony asked her that question. She looked up from her Cornflakes to see him standing with a picture of a man in front of a white background. His hair was curly and fell to just above his shoulders. The picture was in black and white, so she couldn't tell what colour his eyes were, though the picture still conveyed that they were dark, maybe a brown. A snarl was set on his face; he looked angry, almost as if he wanted to kill the person taking the picture.

"No," she spoke through a mouth full of cornflakes. There was no way that was decipherable and after seeing Tony's confused expression, she shook her head.

Tony sighed and placed the picture on the table as he went to get a glass of water.

"Why?" She asked, "Who is he?"

"Well," said Tony as he turned away from the sink, now clutching a glass of water in his hand, "He's a dodgy guy and we had some evidence that may have led towards him being in the, uh, in the lab."

"Oh." She paused. "Wait, let me see him again." She reached across the table--nearly knocking her orange juice over in the process--and grabbed the picture, turning it over to see the man's face once again. She stared intently at it, trying her best to imagine him in a white coat, but she was almost positive that she had never seen him before.

She sighed in defeat and pushed it away from her, returning to eating her cereal.


"Perfect score, Carter, as always," said one of Carter's teachers, Ms. Lee, as she handed back a test to Carter.

She muttered, "Thank you," as she took it and looked down to be greeted with a one hundred written in red pen, a small smiley face beside the numbers.

As she sat in her seat, which was beside Elias', he looked over to see what she got, and when he saw her perfect score, he held up his hand and Carter hi-fived it, a smile growing on her face.

When Elias returned from receiving his test, a solemn expression replaced his previously cheerful one.

"How'd you do?" Carter asked hesitantly.

"I got seventy-three."

"You're not happy with that?" Carter asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I just- I could've done better." He sighed as he waved his hands, the test making a noise as it was waved around. Something Carter had come to learn about Elias was that he would always use exaggerated hand movements when he was feeling an extreme emotion.

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