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AT SCHOOL ON MONDAY, Carter could see Elias practically bursting with the effort of keeping her secret

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AT SCHOOL ON MONDAY, Carter could see Elias practically bursting with the effort of keeping her secret.

There were times when she was convinced that he was going to slip up--and he almost did, several times. And it was only the third day of him knowing.

Was admitting it to him a mistake? Carter really hoped it wasn't. She was glad to have someone know--and what made it even better was that Tony wasn't even that angry at her for it.

During one particular almost slip-up, Elias was interrupted as he whispered, "Hey, Carter? Do you think Iron Man--"

The knock on the door was the first thing that stopped his blurting of words, the announcement of his name being the second.

"Elias Sabien," the older student announced.

Elias' head snapped to where the student stood, the familiar gold envelope clutched in their hand, just as everyone was expecting.

Elias was staring at the student, dumbfounded, so Aiden took it upon himself to grab Elias' arm and lift it in the air for him.

The student walked over and handed Elias the envelope, before strutting away through the door.

The teacher sighed and turned back around to the whiteboard, used to having his class constantly interrupted by now. Elias was gaping at the envelope and Carter whispered, "Are you gonna open it or just stare at it?"

He blinked a few times, before saying, "Oh, right... uh, yeah, I'll open it now." He held it under the desk as he quietly ripped open the envelope. His eyes scanned whatever was inside, mouth open once again, before handing it to Aiden.

Despite being happy for her friend receiving a letter, and despite starting to hate the things, a part of her did wish that she would receive one. Even though she knew that she could go to the dance without a letter, she wanted the experience, just like the rest of the students. Just like the other kids.

She was snapped back to reality when the letter was passed to her.

Inside, was a golden letter, slightly paler than the envelope. In shiny gold letters, it read:

Dear Elias Sabien,

As you may know, the annual school dance is coming up, and if you would accompany me to said dance, I would be honoured. Please let me know your answer soon,

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