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TONY HADN'T PLANNED on it, but he had returned to the Avengers facility after his talk with Peter Parker

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TONY HADN'T PLANNED on it, but he had returned to the Avengers facility after his talk with Peter Parker.

After locating Carter in her room, he made her go with him to a different room. Carter didn't know where they were going. The only thing he had said to her was "come with me."

When they arrived at a door, Tony opened it and brought her inside. It was full of tech items that Carter knew nothing about. He brought her to an area with a large glass case with some sort of costume inside. The costume was completely black except for the red splashes around the ankles and wrists. A mask accompanied it, red also surrounding the eye holes.

"This wasn't the plan, but things have happened so things have to change." As he spoke, he opened the case, retrieving the costume. "I've been working on this for you. Every hero needs a suit."

He handed her suit to her. Carter couldn't believe it. He had actually made her the suit she had drawn. "This- this is really for me?!"

"No, it's for Rhodey. Of course it's for you. Now come on, we need to get going."




"That's what I said, isn't it?"


Tony didn't want Carter getting to Germany using her portals, for fear she would get lost. Instead, he made her go on an airplane.

She had never been on one before, so now, walking up to the large aircraft, she didn't know what to expect.

The boy from before-- who she learned was called Peter Parker-- and Tony's head of security, Happy, were walking along with her. Peter was using his phone to video everything. It was getting rather annoying.

"Hey, should I go to the bathroom before?" He asked.

"There's a bathroom on it," replied the not-so-happy Happy.

They climbed the stairs. Peter had a bag full if his possessions, but all Carter had was her new suit and a spare change if clothes in a small bag that she found in her room.

Peter was looking around the plane in amazement, but Carter sat down as soon as she reached a seat.

When Peter sat, he sat right across from Happy.

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