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CARTER SAT AT a small table, next to Lila

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CARTER SAT AT a small table, next to Lila. They weren't too far from the adults, who were having a conversation with a new man who had shown up.

The two young girls were drawing. Carter used to get to draw as a reward, but that was when she was younger. She stopped being allowed to when she was around seven.

It was enjoyable. She decided to draw the hulk, who she found out was the name of the big green man. The actual man's name was Bruce Banner. Bruce turned into the hulk, but she didn't know why or how.

Lila told Carter she was drawing a butterfly for 'auntie Nat'. Carter asked her what a butterfly was, having never seen one. Lila told her, and Carter asked what she meant by "auntie Nat".

"She's not really my auntie. I just call her that because she's like one."

"What's an auntie?"

"An auntie is one of your parent's sisters."


Carter was left wondering if she had any aunties. Did she even have parents that were still alive? What about siblings?

Lila then asked her what she was drawing.

"The hulk. See that man over there?" She pointed at Bruce, "he's the hulk. Sometimes. He can turn into him."

"That's so cool!"

The girls returned to silence as they continued with their drawings.

Finally, Lila stood up, clutching her drawing. "I'm gonna go give this to auntie Nat!"

She ran off, clearly excited.

Carter finished her drawing as Lila returned.

"That's a really good drawing!" Said the youngest girl.

"Thank you."

"Are you gonna give it to him?"

"I don't think he'd want it."

"Of course he would! Come on!"

She grabbed Carter's wrist and brought her towards Bruce.

"Excuse me, Mr Bruce?" Said Lila.

Bruce turned his head towards the girls.

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