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AFTER QUILL HAD explained how he knew Thor, with a few unhelpful comments from his two companions-who Carter had learned were called Mantis and Drax-Tony and Strange had finally agreed on what they were going to do

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AFTER QUILL HAD explained how he knew Thor, with a few unhelpful comments from his two companions-who Carter had learned were called Mantis and Drax-Tony and Strange had finally agreed on what they were going to do.

Carter once again made her way over to the large window as they hurtled through space. She still hadn't come to terms with what was going on, but she didn't feel like getting sick once she looked out the window anymore.

She could mainly see black with different colours mixed in. The most common one was blue, though there was a fair amount of purples, yellows and pinks. She thought of Aiden as she stared out into the vast landscape before her. He had loved space. Everything about it from the science behind it to the beautiful colours that appeared in the pictures in their textbooks.

Perhaps if-no, when-she got back to Earth, she could tell him all about it. Of course, that would mean revealing her identity, but would that actually be such a bad thing? Elias knew and had kept the secret to himself, telling not a single soul. Surely she could also trust Aiden, right?


Upon finally reaching the new planet, Carter was disappointed. When they had first mentioned travelling to a new planet, she had imagined rows upon rows of green fields and fresh flowing streams of glittering water. The sound of birds chirping as they flew around, or maybe even new animals that weren't on Earth. But she saw nothing of the sort.

The planet was a wasteland. Everything was completely demolished and there was a certain yellow tint to the air, as if all of the destruction had happened recently and the dust still remained as a sad reminder that there had once been something better than what remained. Massive metal parts of what looked like broken spaceships were littered across the terrain.

Quill, almost as if he could read her thoughts said, "The hell happened to this planet? It's eight degrees off its axis." He was holding a glowing yellow stick, looking at it as he spoke. "Gravitational pull is all over the place."

"Yeah, we've got one advantage he's coming to us," said Tony. "We'll use it. Alright, I have a plan." He turned to face the rest of the group as they all gathered together. "Or at least the beginnings of one. It's pretty simple. We draw him in, pin him down, get what we need. Definitely don't wanna dance with this guy. We just want the gauntlet-are you yawning?"

Everyone's attention turned towards Drax, who stood beside Mantis, and was indeed yawning.

"In the middle of this, while I'm breaking it down? Huh? Did you hear what I said?"

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