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CARTER WAS RUNNING through the corridors of the lab, ignoring the protests of her shaky legs

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CARTER WAS RUNNING through the corridors of the lab, ignoring the protests of her shaky legs.

Every part of her was telling her to get away. Do not get found by Dr. Smith, let alone go looking for him. But she ignored it, throwing open doors and making as much noise as possible so that she could be found.

Soon enough, a pair of guards had found her and she stopped running, letting them drag her by her arms to Dr. Smith.

She was brought into the injection room, with its blinding white walls and bright red chair beside the grey table that Carter had been on too many times to count. The tray on the countertop was filled with its usual selection of injections holding different coloured serums.

When she was thrown through the doorway, she fell to the floor. But she was quickly scrambling up to her feet as fast as she possibly could. But she only had one foot on the ground when Dr. Smith was there, pulling her up roughly by her arm.

He pointed to the grey table and demanded, "Over there! Now!"

Carter obliged, getting onto the table and a few moments later, she was being tightly bound to the table. Meanwhile, one of the guards who had brought her there had picked up an injection and made his way over to her. She didn't have time to see the colour of the contents; he had already plunged the needle into her neck.

She cried out as the familiar piercing and trickling sensation came and she received a hit to the face—which, along with her neck, was the only skin visible due to her suit—and squeezed her eyes shut as the needle was taken out of her neck. I'm doing this for the others, she reminded herself.

When she was completely tied to the table and Dr. Smith had come looming over her, he was smiling evilly at her and he looked the most insane she had ever seen him.

"Don't even bother trying to portal your way out of this one. That serum renders your portals useless," he said breathlessly.

"Don't you think I would've used one by now if I was gonna?" she spat at him.

"Silence! I will not be spoken to like that! Your whole life I have given you a shelter, food and I have even put clothes on your ungrateful back. You will not disrespect me."

Carter ground her teeth together as hard as she could to stop herself from retaliating as Dr. Smith moved out of her line of vision. When he came back, he was holding a different injection and this one, just like the last one, was plunged into her neck before she could even see the colour of its contents. And before anything else could happen, she blacked out.

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