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SHE HELD ON TIGHTLY to the metal suit as they flew through the air

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SHE HELD ON TIGHTLY to the metal suit as they flew through the air. Carter didn't know who this man was or where they were going, but she didn't have anywhere else to go, and this was her best option so far. She kept her face pressed against the metal suit, shielding her eyes from the force of the wind. Her arms soon began to ache, but she wasn't going to let go now.

However, her fingers slipped a few times, resulting in her stomach lurching and her heart rate picking up dramatically. Fortunately, she managed to get her grip back just in time before plummeting to her death.

When they reached the final destination, Carter was confused. She didn't know what she was expecting, but it wasn't a strange flying contraption. A hatch in the bottom flew open, allowing the iron man to fly in, along with Carter and the green man.

The green man was placed on a chair in the middle of the ship, still unconscious. Several other people were also there, sitting in different chairs. But once they realised that other people were there, they got up.

A man was the first to notice Carter. He had blond hair and he wore a blue, white and red costume with a star on his chest. His face was full of confusion as he looked at the young girl.

His finger pointed to her as he looked at the man who was previously made of iron. His suit was now gone, revealing his appearance. He had dark brown hair as well as a small beard and moustache on his face. He wore normal clothes, unlike the other man.

"Who's this?" He asked.

This caught the attention of a woman. She was dressed in all black. Her hair was cut short in an auburn colour. Her eyebrow raised as her eyes landed on the girl.

"I don't know. She disappears and then reappears and she jumped on to the back of my suit and wouldn't get off."

At this point, another man had joined the small gathering. He was much taller than the rest. His blond hair was quite long, going past his shoulders. He, like almost all the others, wore strange clothing, as well as a red cape.

He, just like the others, had an expression displaying confusion at the girl's sudden appearance.

Just as Carter thought that was everyone, another man in what seemed to be the control area, turned his head. She couldn't see much of his appearance from the back of the ship, but she heard his voice as he shouted "Hey, what's going on back there?"

"We have an extra passenger." Spoke the woman, crossing her arms.

The man in the blue knelt down to match her height.

"Hi, I'm Steve Rogers. What's your name?"

Carter didn't know whether she could trust this man. She didn't know if she could trust anyone on this ship. She began to think that maybe coming with the iron man wasn't a good idea.

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