sequel + author's note

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Hey guys! Just in case anyone didn't read the previous author's note, I wanted to announce here that I'm making a sequel!! It's called desolation and I'm very excited for it :)

It's gonna be about Carter trying to figure out where she wants to go and what she wants to do, especially in the whole superhero world. A lot of it is also gonna take place during far from home so there's gonna be some great Peter and Carter duo moments!!

This is the cover (made by -spiderweb):

Once again I want to thank everyone who decided to give this story a chance (and everyone who has read the whole thing since there are literally more words in it than Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets which is crazy to me)

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Once again I want to thank everyone who decided to give this story a chance (and everyone who has read the whole thing since there are literally more words in it than Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets which is crazy to me). And thank you to everyone for the votes and especially the comments, they MAKE my day, I love reading them :)

I hope you guys stick along with Carter for her next adventure and I will hopefully see you guys soon <3 :)

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