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THE GROUND BENEATH Carter was strange; something she had never seen before

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THE GROUND BENEATH Carter was strange; something she had never seen before. It was green and sort of spiky. She was in a large area with lots of trees. She knew what trees were, as she had learned about them in science lessons.

She made her way through the forest. She didn't know which way to go, so she just picked a random direction and went with it. She was still surprised that her overly simple plan worked. It probably shouldn't have been that easy, but she wasn't complaining.

She trudged through the trees, wondering where she was. She had never been allowed out of the building, so she didn't even know what was around it. The only windows she could see, were on the roof, only showing sky. She didn't even know which country she was in.

Although, she supposed she hadn't gone far. She doubted she could teleport to a different country. She was probably still somewhere near her old 'home'.

Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard an odd sound. It sounded like those weird machines that the doctors sometimes drove to get to the opposite side of the building quickly. Carter paused, her head turning in the direction that the sound seemed to be coming from. It got louder and louder and she decided to play it safe and duck behind a nearby bush. She could see out from the leaves, letting her watch as a person came, driving a machine. He stopped, not too far from her bush, and looked around. He took out a walkie talkie and spoke into it. "Nothing here."

"Did you have a proper look, or are you just turning your head?"

The voice of Dr. Smith cane from the other end of the device.

"I'll take another look, sir."

The man got off his vehicle, making his way around the area where Carter was hiding. He was soon nearing the bush that she crouched behind.

He was now walking right over to it, and Carter froze. She knew she shouldn't stay there, but she couldn't move. She didn't want to face the punishment that Dr. Smith would have for her if he got his hands on her. She knew it'd be even worse than room 23. But what was worse than that, she couldn't think of at that moment.

The guard was growing steadily closer to the bush. His footsteps giving away his position. He was mumbling under his breath, but Carter couldn't make out the words as she was too busy trying not to scream.

The element of surprise. Use it to your advantage, she thought to herself.

As she heard the man come right up to the bush, she shook herself out of her daze and jumped up from behind the bush.

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