chapter 1 : Mauve Eyes Behind the Tinted Glasses

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Marylin POV

I think this story should've ended in a different way. I'm not entirely sure what way, but obviously not the one it did. But maybe I'll start from the beginning.

My name's Marylin Dark and I'm a normal, sixteen-year-old anorectic girl addicted to sweets. I think I'm pretty good at school, or at least my parents never complained. So far. English isn't my best friend, there's no doubt about that.

My mom Sasha is a librarian, she works in the library at the corner of two of the most sunbathed roads of Moscow. My dad Peter is a commuter - to get to his office he has to take a train straight to Ivanovo. He's... well I don't really know what his profession is but he's earning lots of money. And my younger brother Maxim, Max in short. Though he's not much younger than me, there's a two-years gap between us. I guess. Anyway, he's now a second-grader in middle school. And I bet when I was his age, I was better at school. I'd even dare say "way better".

My grandparents from dad's side live quite nearby. Grandma Rebecca is a retired Math teacher. Maybe that's why math is one of my favorite school subjects. Besides IT, music and religion education, in which you can literally do nothing, even focus. I bet my grandma was the favorite teacher to many kids. Grandpa's name is Theodore, but we all call him Teddy. He used to be a miner, but he hadn't been working since long ago. He's got lung cancer. Sometimes I'd like to be an optimist, at least in some situations. But I just simply can't. In my opinion, there's not much time left for me to share with grandpa. I haven't shared this thought with anyone, but I saw in my grandma's eyes that she was on the same page. She's worried about him.

About my mom's parents, I don't know much. I know that grandma's name is Hope and she lives somewhere abroad. Grandpa passed away maybe twelve years ago. Basically, I've never seen either of them.

There's one more person worth mentioning: my best friend Kate. She's a friendly and very easy-going dork from my neighborhood. We've known each other since birth, basically. I remember when we were younger, we had an argument over some silly thing and I chopped quite a huge part of her red curls off. She also cut my hair, but I don't remember.

I'd also like to mention my boyfriend. His name's Ivan and he's amazing. A real ideal. When we go out in public together, every girl we walk by turns around to stare at us. I remember once one chick fell off her bike. But I totally get it. When I first met him, I couldn't get enough of him either. His hair was dark with blond ends, always styled in some Bruno Mars kinda hairstyle. I don't know why, but his wonderful, mauve-grayish eyes were always hidden behind ocean blue eye contacts and tinted round sunglasses that people often refer to as the "John Lennon glasses", to be specific. When we first met, he was wearing a loose tank top with navy blue and white horizontal stripes printed on it, tucked in grayish slim-fit trousers. Plus, some worn-out vans. Also, he wore small diamond earrings that he still wears sometimes. I got really impressed when I found out he's a skateboarder. I've always had a thing for skateboarders.

What's interesting, we started dating quite a while after him changing his image completely. It was so hard to recognize him after that. First, he stopped wearing those dumb contact lenses, dyed his hair white and weirdly went paler. And I must say, we're doing quite okay, even though he's been always complaining about my anorexia. But she's basically a part of me. That's what I am. And I think he came to terms with it. We've been a couple for almost two years now. That's quite a lot, especially in comparison to Kate who dated her latest boyfriend for roughly a week.

In general, I'm not necessarily beautiful (nor ugly I think) or clever (not stupid either). I'm just a normal boring person.

Although many may disagree with that last bit. 

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