chapter 8 : Missing

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Marylin's mom dialed Kate's mom's phone number. She waited a moment, listening to the boring beeping, until the familiar voice came through the receiver.

"Hello?" Clara Williams, Kate's mother, asked quietly.

"Sasha Dark here. Do you have a moment?" Marylin's mother, who wasn't at all good with "those darn modern technologies" as she called, introduced herself.

Marylin reminded her a million times, without success, that her neighbor must have already saved her number and whenever she's calling, the name shows up.

"Sure. Has anything happened?"

"In short, yes. Is Marylin perhaps at your place? About an hour ago I called her to come back home, and she's still gone. Do you not have any suggestion where she can be?"

"Kate told me that she was going to stay at yours. Is she not there?" Kate's mom asked surprised.

"No. Don't you think that it's a bit suspicious?"

"I called Kate, but she didn't answer. I thought they were just listening to loud music and she couldn't hear the ringtone, so I let it go."

"Oh. Okay. Maybe I'll try to call Marilyn again. I'll contact you if I get any information about their whereabouts."

"Okay. Hopefully you can reach her."

"I hope they're fine. Talk to you later," Marylin's mother ended the conversation and hung up.

Then she dialed Marylin's number and put the phone to her ear. She waited a long while until she heard her daughter's faint voice in the receiver.

"Yeah?" the large distance clearly distorted the girl's voice heard in the device.

"Where are you? Are you OK? Is Kate with you?" Sasha asked, worried.

"Yes. Kate's with-- me. You w---on't believe wher---e we are! --- guess!" Marylin replied but her mother could only hear half the words she said due to heavy breaking up.

"You are definitely far away because I can't hear you clearly," Sasha spoke in a more and more alarmed voice. "Tell me, where are you? "

"We're far- very far away. Actually, I'd say- we're in the future... we fell into- the mirror-"

"Try to get back as soon as possible. That's all," Sasha's tone sounded a bit irritated, as if she didn't believe any of her daughter's words.


"No buts. I have to go. Bye."

"'Kay..." Sasha heard at the end and ended the call with a heavy sigh. 

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