chapter 16 : The Survey

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Marylin POV

When I opened my eyes, I still sat on a chair to which I had been handcuffed. It's terribly boring by the way, to be handcuffed I mean. The walls around me were gray, and overgrown with mold under the ceiling. It was cold and dark there. I couldn't see anything. It was the same in the cellar in the house of my grandparents. There was a musty smell in the air as well.

Suddenly, in the darkness I heard the clatter of the unlocked, and then opened doors. I wasn't easily scared, but honestly, I didn't expect anyone to come in, so I jumped a little. A tall and skinny figure entered the room. Two men followed behind them, loudly slamming the door behind them with a bang. My ears hurt.

For a moment, three black figures hustled around the room. The sound of their steps bounced off the bare walls and echoed through the room. I watched them silently. Suddenly, their muttered voices ceased.

The tall figure sat behind a large black rectangle that must've been some massive desk, and the jacked guys stood on their sides. The bare bulb above my head blinked slightly. Its pale light became clearer with time. I felt uncomfortable, like in some police interrogation. I wanted to escape. Escape as far as possible. I decided not to answer any questions if asked.

However, something unexpected happened instead. A small table appeared in front of me. On the right side of the table lay a steel key, in the middle - a white card and a pen, while on the left - the pen and wand box I already knew. I looked between the card and the box, immediately rejecting the key.

"Choose one," said the seated person.

They had a strange voice; dry, quiet and resolute. There was only one question in my mind: 'Who is this guy?'. It seemed like he was reading my mind.

"Choose. One of those things will give you the answer to this question."

That made me even more unsure of what my choice should be. But when I finally decided to reach for the box, I realized I couldn't move.

"I have a question: How should I pick anything when my hands are tied?" I asked ironically.

As the last word left my mouth, the ropes around my right arm loosened slightly. I reached towards the table but I hung my hand between the card and the box. Despite the first decision, I ended up choosing the card. Whatever, maybe I can play a little bit with them.

As soon as I touched the paper, it moved to the center of the table, and the other objects I could choose disappeared. Suddenly, some text started appearing on the paper. I read slowly.

My name is Victuvius V. Will you answer a few questions? Circle the answer: YES / NO.

Without hesitation, I marked the "YES" answer. I was curious about what awaited me. Also, I hoped to learn some secrets. Fear has completely left me. I looked at the three figures and noticed that the seated was writing something. 'So it's him I'm talking to'. I turned my eyes to the page in front me again. New words appeared. I read them again, this time it was a set of short instructions.

Enter your first and last name(s).

Enter the names and surnames of parents.

Enter the name(s) of the siblings (if any).

Enter the date and place of birth.

Enter the address of residence.

* After filling in, turn the card over.

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