chapter 7 : The Hoary Hag and Pure Heart

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Marylin POV

Sitting together in the kitchen and sipping coffee with honey, we were looking out of the window. A small whirlwind raged in the distance, or at least it looked like a small one from the quiet home. However, it took shrubs and small trees. We didn't pay much attention to it though. At home I felt safe, Kate probably did, too. We could have a quiet talk.

"Let's sum everything up: time flows slower and backwards here, it is a really distant past, no one is in the house except my grandma. I wonder what the Hoary Hag used to look like?!"

Out of nowhere, a young girl had just appeared in the door and leaned against the door frame with arms crossed on her chest.

"Are you talking about me?" she asked quietly.

At first glance, she was about Kate's height, had pale blue eyes, and her silky blond hair fell slightly over her shoulders. They reminded me of the waves on the Danube River or another large river.

"Who are you?" we asked simultaneously.

"Margaret Jones," she introduced herself, reaching her hand out towards us.

"Marylin Dark."

"Kate Williams."

"What are you doing here?" Margaret asked, interested, pulling one of the chairs to sit down.

"We are from the future. Kate has been sucked in by the mirror because she was possessed and I came to save her," I explained quickly in a not-so-impressed tone.

I'm not saying I wanted her to think we're some weirdos and leave us alone, but that's exactly what I'm saying.

"Can I help you?" Margaret, instead of being discouraged, asked excitedly, "I heard that it's easier to come here than to leave. And you need a strong will. And someone with a pure heart."

I could easily feel some hope or something in her voice. I'm almost entirely sure she was afraid that we wouldn't accept her as "one of us". After all, we were a little younger than her, at least that's what I thought. And honestly, I didn't like having older "friends".

"Sure!" Kate decided excitedly. "Do you know how to check if someone has a pure heart?"

"Unfortunately not," the friendly smile on Margaret's face faded. "Only Joseph can do it. He's a-"

"-wizard," I interrupted her impatiently, "I met him before I got here."

"Oh. So, you already know him. Well, let's go to him."

We followed her through the living room. She began to describe everything as if she was a professional tour guide, but as soon as I heard her say that "to the left, you can see a beautiful couch", I stopped listening and walked in silence, thinking about everything that had happened so far. 

* * *

We came to a spacious, high room without windows. There were stairs on the walls that led to a small room just below the ceiling, kind of like a mezzanine. There, the entire floor was covered with soft cushions in various colors. I would also like to have such a corner only for myself. Especially since my whole family had a fear of heights. Nobody would disturb me there.

The room was stifling and hot because of all the burning candles. Joseph was meditating at a low wooden table. A delicate shade of bonsai tree cast a shadow on his face. Margaret wanted to say hello, but the wizard spoke before her.

"Take a seat," he said, opening his eyes. "How can I help you?"

"Ekhm... I'm Marylin, and this is Kate," I stammered, wondering at the same time if he remembered me. Only then I realized that would mean he had to remember the future me. 'Genius, Marylin, you're a genius' I mocked myself.

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