chapter 38 : Revertatur in Domum

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[T/N: Coming Back Home]

Marylin POV

The 'Hometorius' spell has never let me down, until now. This time I didn't teleport home, but only managed to get to the safer part of the bar outside of my ice wall. Where all of my friends were.

"Marilyn?" I heard Rita's frightened voice behind me. "Where did you come from? You weren't here a moment ago."

"Холера [T/N: fvck]", I just thought and looked briefly at the red-haired girl in front of me. As soon as we made eye contact, she fell to the floor. Then, almost right away, she got up, brushed off the white sand off her clothes and looked at me surprised.

"Marilyn?" Her voice was surprised again, but there was no fear in it now. "We talked?"

And confused, she left. As if nothing ever happened. I think she lost her memory as she hit the floor. I held my breath. I think I ERASED her memory as she fell. A familiar thrill pierced through me, like when Sam touches me. I turned around and faced the silvery spirit.

"What did he tell you about me?" he asked searchingly, looking into my eyes.

"No-nothing," I stuttered and only then did I notice that I was shaking.

Carefully, I sat on the couch and lowered my head, placing it between my knees. I tried to take a deep breath, but it was short and shallow instead. Like a fish removed from the water. Sam sat down next to me, but didn't say a thing. He also tried not to touch me no matter what. As if touching my skin meant death. Maybe it did. But not his death, but mine.

"Marylin, where were you?" Fleur asked, apparently bored of Leon already. "Zarina and Lynda went to look for you."

Why do they keep looking for me? What for?! They could simply use a tracking spell or something like that. Why go the hard way??

"Where are they now?" I asked in reply.

At the same moment, Lynda and Zarina barged into the bar. The boy behind the counter immediately gave them a hostile look, but once he noticed Lynda, he smiled under his breath and shook his head.

"Here you are!" Zarina exclaimed at the door.

It was obvious that she was happy to see me. We smiled at each other. And suddenly my face immediately shrunk.

"Victuvius is there," I said sadly and pointed my bony finger towards the alcove.

"Just him?" asked Kate, who came out of nowhere.

"No, he's with A..." I stuttered. "Did I just want to say "Agis"?" flashed through my mind and I finished. "Anri. He's with Anri."

"Great, him again!" Lynda raised her hands in annoyance.

The boy behind the counter looked at her. His face said one thing: "this girl must be crazy". Meanwhile, I saw golden-red sparks running between her spread fingers.

"Lynda, what are you doing?" I shouted and quickly grabbed her hands.

I felt that the gaze of the counter guy now fell on me. He probably noticed me for the first time now. Or maybe he'd just never seen such a skinny kid. Or both. I looked into his eyes. Indeed, in his face I could see both surprise and something like care or something. When our eyes met, I could also see fear. I decided to ignore him.

"What was that?" I asked Lynda in a whisper.

"I don't know," she admitted, and with one motion of her hand summoned Zarina, Fleur and Kate closer. "We must get to Washington as soon as possible."

Hometorius : Coming HomeWhere stories live. Discover now