chapter 27 : Where Did You Come From, Cat-Eyed Foe

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Kate POV

Someone called the door. I looked at the clock hanging on the wall in the kitchen. It was half past nine. Evening. Dark as hell outside. Who could it be at this late hour? I walked slowly out of the kitchen and gave a quick look at Fleur and Zarina. They were talking quietly with Sam.

"Didn't you hear the doorbell?" I asked, leaning against the door frame.

"Kate, no one rang it," said Zarina softly, and gave me a worried look.

"How come? I heard it clearly."

Sam stood up slowly and swayed slightly and went to the front door to see if anyone was on the porch.

"No trace of a living soul," he said, returning to the living room.

A small smile appeared on his face, but I caught it quickly. As always. Not that I'm boasting about it or something.

"Yeah, except for you," I said with a laugh and stepped back into the kitchen. "Who wants something to drink?"

I poured water into a brown teapot and put it on the stove. I looked into the fridge. The leftovers of my apple pie were still on the top shelf. I took out the baking tray carefully and put it on the table. I unwrapped the protective aluminum foil and sighed. A single piece was staring at me. I wonder who left it. I reached the top cupboard and took a small plate. When I turned my hand towards the cutlery drawer, I stopped her halfway. I heard the high-pitched sound again. The doorbell. I'm sick of it.

"This time someone really rang the door," I stormed out of the kitchen and heading towards the massive front door, wiped my hands on the edge of my new green sweater.

I gripped the brass door handle firmly and threw the door open without looking even through the small visor (and I had it at eye level). My face has long been painted with resignation and frustration at the same time. Behind me, Sam stood, and a moment after him, Zarina and Fleur came and looked out from behind the wall.

A man in a black cloak was standing on the stairs. Anri was coming out through the gate. It looked like he wanted to leave unnoticed. Apparently, before I opened the door, the man talked about something with Anri. Unfortunately for him, nothing escapes my eyes. However, I wasn't intending to stop him. I was more interested in the tall man.

I cleared my throat. The man turned slowly, as if he were a figure from some kind of horror movie. His eyes, hidden in the shadow of the hood, were directed at me. An unpleasant shudder ran through my back, like when Marylin hugs all those guys. More or less.

I stood firm and stared at those wonderful eyes. They were even more beautiful than Anri's eyes. After a few seconds, the guy snapped his fingers and simply disappeared, leaving behind only a faint cloud of black smoke.

I felt dizzy so I quickly leaned against the wall and shook my head. My curls bounced carefree, calming me down. The dizziness was probably that extra piece of pizza that I ate in secret.

"Who was that?" Sam asked as I passed him by on the way back to the kitchen.

Zarina and Fleur had already started following me, whispering something to each other. I heard every word, not only my eyesight was great. As we just saw, my hearing was also pretty sensitive.

"Where did he come from?" Zarina asked quietly and I bet that she was looking around anxiously, as if she was afraid someone was eavesdropping on them.

"I have no idea," Fleur said in a terrified whisper. "But he must have some effect on Kate, somehow. Don't you think it's weird?"

"Very to say at least..." Zarina paused for a moment (to look at my back - I could feel it). "But it only works on the magical ones. How is it possible that it also worked on her?"

"Maybe there is something magical in Kate...? After all she heard the bell a minute before he actually rang..."

"You have a point..." Zarina paused again (scratching her chin), then added in a quieter whisper, "We need to learn more about the Non-Magical Five." 

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