chapter 29 : The Judgement

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Marylin's parents were slowly losing hope for their daughter to return home any time soon. She had been gone for almost a week, she hadn't given a sign of life for three days. Her parents didn't talk about her too often, she kind of became a taboo topic, only mentioned occasionally. Sometimes they were just short sentences, sometimes short conversations with no order or sense.

Sasha: I miss Marylin...
Peter and Max: Me too...
Max: I wonder when she will come back...
Peter nods sadly, Sasha can barely restrain his sobs.

At times, Sasha Dark called Clara Williams to talk about their daughters' mysterious disappearance. However, she didn't talk much with her either.

It was the same for Kate's parents. However, they were trying to hide it inside. They didn't talk very often in general, and they were exceptionally silent about their daughter. There was eternal silence in their home. And although no one who could spread rumors about how gloomy the young Williams couple became recently would visit them, it was almost impossible for passers-by wandering on the sidewalk under their windows not to notice that something was off. Nobody left the house, so that the entire lawn was drowning under a thick layer of rotting leaves. Although only a few days had gone by, the mailbox was full of slowly pouring out letters, newspapers and various colorful leaflets. Kate's parents' life wasn't so colorful anymore, and among the envelopes lay one particular that was even more depressing.

The sender was the Court. 

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