chapter 33 : Life for a Life

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Victuvius POV

I was pacing restlessly around the street lamp. "What's taking him so long? Where is he?" I've been waiting for my reliable partner for an hour. Suddenly, I heard a soft click behind my back. "Finally". I turned, leaned my back on the lamp pole and crossed my arms.

"You're late," I said coldly, not looking at him.

"Please, forgive me, your majesty," he bowed so deeply that he almost touched the sidewalk with his small nose, that's how short he was.

"So, tell me, what was so important to disregard my call?"

My voice was very calm. Too calm. There was not even a hint of anger in it. Such composure is certainly much worse than the loudest scream. I know it perfectly.

"Lord," he began to explain, but I knew he didn't know what to say after.

"Forget it," I threw sharply and turned away.

The wizard could only see the malevolent cat eyes staring at him, so he quickly looked away at his shoes. In the meantime, I walked up to him and looked from above.

"Just because I let you stay near them doesn't exempt you from executing your duties."

He only nodded, so I continued.

"You've had a few opportunities to kill all of them, my dear."

"Yes, my Lord, but..."

"But what?" my voice grew louder, it couldn't be controlled. "Suddenly you remembered that you have a heart? That your conscience will torment you if you do something to those 'defenseless', 'innocent' snotnoses?!"

The wizard just looked down. He didn't know what to say in his defense. I was right. Of course I was. This man didn't have the heart to kill innocent people.

"It was your mission," I continued quietly. "I suppose you do know the consequences of neglecting my order, right? You were informed at the very beginning. Now there is only one question. Are you going to do what you were supposed to a long time ago?"

He shook his head. Coward.

"I don't intend to execute that. I know that at this moment I am breaking all the promises given to you, my Lord, but this is beyond my strength and abilities."

"You got attached to them, didn't you?" I growled, and when I noticed the smile on his face, my eyes began to shine even brighter with anger. "You're all the same! No man can be trusted. First Anri- Ah, this coward doesn't even deserve this name anymore. Agis broke a few rules himself, but you, my dear, unfortunately have broken more to just have your given name taken away."

"Lord, I regret with all my heart that it turned out this way..."

"Don't even bring your weak heart into this, trying to explain yourself, bastard."

"You're depriving me of my position, aren't you?"

"Ah, no," I faked surprise, then moved even closer to the wizard and leaned in so that he could better hear my whisper. "Unfortunately, I will have to treat you much worse."

I snapped my fingers and thick ropes wrapped around him. Then I clapped my hands, and we were immediately in a dark basement. I sat the wizard in a chair and walked over to the table. For a moment I stared silently at the sharp objects on the top.

"Do you like archery?" I asked lightly, taking one of the silver arrows in my hand.

"Naturally, sir," the wizard replied without thinking and having relaxed a bit (mistake), looked around the room. "Where are we, sir?"

"This is not your concern."

I took a heavy bow and pulled the string.

"I haven't used it for a long time," I stroked my weapon fondly. "Do you know who was the last one killed with it?"

"No, my Lord..."

I aimed the arrow at the seated man. For a moment, I focused on his chest, a little to the left. Then I released the arrow from between my fingers, right through the ribs.

"You, Joseph."

I pulled an arrow from his chest and left him dying, then walked out of the basement as if nothing had happened. 

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