chapter 12 : The Law of Constant Composition of Chemical Compound

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Marylin's mother was nervously walking in circles in the kitchen. The girl's younger brother, Max, sat at the table over his chemistry homework. There was an empty tableware set beside his notebooks. For several hours they had been waiting for Marylin with the dinner. Sasha has long lost hope for her daughter's quick return. The worst thing was that she didn't receive any messages from her. She was worried about the missing one. She knew that the girl would be struggling after Granny's death. 'Fortunately, Max somehow came to terms with it,' she thought, pouring water into the kettle.

"Would you like some tea?" she asked and lit the stove.

"Yes, please. Could you brew me some melissa? I can't concentrate," Max said, banging his head against the table.

"Naturally. Do you need my help?" Sasha put a tea bag in the mug and sat down next to her son. "What are you learning now?

"The law of constant composition of the chemical compound" the boy said sadly and looked at his mother who no longer looked so eager to help.

* * *

Kate's mother nervously tapped her fingers at the table. John, her husband, was sitting opposite her. His face was hidden behind the newspaper. On the countertop stood two cold coffees and a cake that had gone stale. The clock ticked rhythmically. Time was flowing inexorably. She felt like her daughter had been gone for several days. And as much as she needed someone to talk to, that someone wasn't her husband. He acted as if he didn't even know about Kate's existence.

"Clara," he said so suddenly the woman shuddered slightly. "Where's Kate?"

"I wish I had an answer to that question," Kate's mother began. "But it happens that I don't know."

"Oh," John said, and hid his nose back in the newspaper.

He had been doing this for almost a few weeks without an end. He was interested in neither his wife nor the mysterious disappearance of his daughter. His world was the newspaper and the newspaper only. And Clara couldn't think of anything else - only Kate's disappearance. 

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