chapter 10 : The Beach and The First Symptom of The Power

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Marylin POV

Dressed in light clothes, we left the house. On the way to the lake, we passed by beautiful meadows and colorful houses. After a few, maybe a dozen or so, minutes of slow walk, we got to the beach. 'Looks like a painting,' crossed my mind when I saw the clean water that flowed slightly onto the sandy and clean shore. Large trees grew in the back, casting a pleasant shadow at the beach. I didn't know there was such a place in this city.

I started to wonder where we were at all. Basically, we were in the past. But the only thing that was similar to our present times was the house. Everything else seemed to be a completely different place.

Some people were swimming in the lake, but most sunbathed on the sand. We put on our swimsuits, although I certainly didn't intend to go into the water, and we laid our towels near the water. Mine was black, so it warmed up very fast. I put my clothes on it and lay down, facing the sun. It would be nice to get even a bit tanner. It was a pity that before every going-out I had to put a very strong sunscreen on. You must be unlucky to be allergic to the sunlight, huh?

Sometimes the delicate wind splashed small droplets of water onto our faces, which was very nice. Some other time some kids would kick their ball in our direction and yell to get it back, which I didn't want to do. An hour or so later, Kate and Margaret got hungry so they forced me to go get some food for them from a nearby bar. I brought them hot-dogs and a bottle of cold carbonated water for myself. I lay back on my towel, moving it to a more shaded place beforehand. When the girls were done eating, they came over as well.

Half an hour later, a tall, dark-haired, tanned boy with eyes greener than Kate's came up to us.

"Hi. Can I steal you a minute?" he spoke in a pleasant, deep voice. I liked the voice right away. Seeing that we were interested (because we certainly looked like that), he continued. "I'm Leon. Leon Mehone. Do you want to play volleyball with us?" I looked at the beach behind his back. "We need three more players."

"Sure. By the way I'm Kate, and those are my friends: Marylin and Margaret," Kate introduced us. I was always impressed by how easy-going she was.

"Come then. I'll introduce you to my friends. Guys!! The girls will play with us!"

"Great," said a slim blond guy and turned to us waving his hand with a smile, "Hi. I'm Sam Lewin. My team is called Volley Dragons. And Leon is the captain of the Winners' Team."

"Which team do you want to join?" asked a girl with hair dyed in a very nice shade of bloody red. "Leon needs one person and Sam needs two."

Kate immediately approached Sam, who gave her a high-five. After a moment of hesitation, I joined Sam, too, and Margaret went to join Leon. First, the team captains introduced us to each other, and then discussed the tactics and put the players on the field.

The game began. I watched Leon's chest tense up at every jump. Sam's focus solidified as the ball flew toward him. As Jacob grinned in a disarming smile when he shot the service ace. I didn't know why but it took my breath away when after every scored point, Tommy ran up to his girlfriend, Linda, and kissed her tenderly. I admired how Rita's blood-red hair waved elegantly in the wind. In general, I watched everyone.

After a few minutes of fun, when the ball was hit by Rita, me and Sarah, some tall blonde girl from my team, ran to receive the ball. She jumped higher than me and I hit my head on her ribcage with great force. Because I was much smaller and lighter, and more fragile, and generally just weaker than Sara, I fell to the ground lifelessly. I hit my head so hard that I lost consciousness for a few seconds, but I quickly regained it. No one noticed that though, they thought I was still unconscious. And there I was, taking a break, haha. Mary: 1, the fools: 0.

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